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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy!

2 Cognitive and Emotional Development
Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Section 3.3 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 A relatively permanent change in behavioral tendency that results from experience.
What is Learning? Return Row 1, Col 1

4 A conceptual framework a person uses to make sense of the world
What is Schemas? Return 1,2

5 What is Positive Reinforcement?
Something the animal wants is added after an action Ex: a treat for the dog What is Positive Reinforcement? Return 1,3

6 What are democratic families?
Based on negotiation. Children can make decisions but parents can veto if they don’t approve. What are democratic families? Return 1,4

7 What is classical conditioning?
A learning procedure in which associations are made between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus. What is classical conditioning? Return 2,1

8 What is object permanence?
When an infant toy is hidden from her, she acts as if it is has ceased to exist. What is object permanence? 2,2 Return

9 What is reinforcement? 2,3 Return
Stimulus or event that follows a response and increases the likelihood that the response will be repeated. What is reinforcement? Return 2,3

10 What is socialization? 2,4 Return
Learning the rules of behavior of the culture in which you are born and grow up. What is socialization? Return 2,4

11 What is a conditioned response?
The learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus What is a conditioned response? Return 3,1

12 Process of fitting objects and experiences into ones’ schemas.
What is Assimilation? Return 3,2

13 What is primary reinforcer?
Stimulus that s naturally rewarding, such as food or water? What is primary reinforcer? Return 3,3

14 What stage is the idea of how to receive awards, evaluate acts in terms of punishment?
What is stage 2? Return 3,4

15 What is Salivation? 4,1 Return
Which of the following is an example of an unconditioned response? Food, Bell, or Salivation? What is Salivation? Return 4,1

16 what is the stage for 7-11 years?
What is concrete? Return 4,2

17 Applying the reinforcement after a specific number of behaviors.
What is a fixed ratio? Return 4,3

18 Stage 3&4 are known as? What is conventional? Return 4,4

19 What is a conditioned stimulus?
What does CS stand for? What is a conditioned stimulus? Return 5,1

20 Who is the man who created the stages of cognitive development?
Who is Piaget? Return 5,2

21 What is changed in fixed interval and fixed ratio?
Nothing. Return 5,3

22 What is Moral Development?
An example of this development is when a man steals drugs for his sick wife because they are poor. What is Moral Development? Return 5,4

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