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English 10 - 1/8/18 What quote from the movie Cool Hand Luke sticks in your mind? How can you relate it to self reliance? What to you get when you cross.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 - 1/8/18 What quote from the movie Cool Hand Luke sticks in your mind? How can you relate it to self reliance? What to you get when you cross."— Presentation transcript:

1 English /8/18 What quote from the movie Cool Hand Luke sticks in your mind? How can you relate it to self reliance? What to you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino? Doit – a trifle. This word occasionally show up in crossword puzzles. Goals – Ellephino. Discussion of intro paragraph revisions. Look at body paragraph structure. Homework – Vocab Final weeks 8-15 will be on Friday 1/19/2018. Don’t forget Quiz # 15 on Friday.

2 English /9/18 “Arletta, I tried. I mean, to live the always free and above board like you. And, I don’t know. I just can’t seem to find no elbow room.” – Luke. What do you call a lazy Kangaroo? Gry – an old, little used word for anything of little value; for instance, nail clippings. Goals - Get at least one body paragraph done. Homework – Turn in one paragraph by the end of class. As is. Points will be assigned. a pouch potato.

3 English /10/18 No opener today. Go directly to lab after attendance. Did you hear about the marriage between the two antennas? Punk hit – a short hit. Goals - Work on body paragraphs today. Homework – Complete all body paragraphs today. Tomorrow we work on closing and style. The wedding was terrible but the reception was great.

4 English /11/18 A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. Emerson. What do you say to a hitchhiker with one leg? Punk stuff – something useless or contemptable. Goals – Look at student work samples. Discuss structure for closing. Look at rubric for style points. Go to lab to write. Homework – Work on body paragraphs and closing. Don’t forget to bold transitions and vocabulary words. Don’t forget to study for vocab 15 tomorrow. Hop in.

5 English 10 - 1/12/18 Five minutes to study for quiz #15.
How do you get down from an elephant? Punk ride – a little kiddie ride at the carnival. Goals - Complete vocabulary #15 quiz. Homework – Make you essay as excellent as possible over the weekend. Review quizzes 8-15 for final next Friday. You don’t, you get it from a goose.

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