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Napoleon Bonaparte “Ambition is never content even on the summit of greatness.”

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1 Napoleon Bonaparte “Ambition is never content even on the summit of greatness.”

2 Born in Corsica as an Italian-
Became a French citizen at the age of 1 Home in which Napoleon was born Corsica

3 Became dictator (all power held by a single person) of France for 10 years in 1799 when he launched a coup d’ etat (stroke of state) against the Directory

4 Became Emperor for life after winning a plebiscite in 1804 (yes or no vote)

5 Napoleon was immediately at war with the Second Coalition (countries united against France)

6 Coalitions were formed because other European Monarchs did not want their people to see the French get away with killing their king and starting Republics.

7 Loved by all of the French


9 General Reforms Freedom of worship Stabilized food prices Class Equality Rebuilt Paris Got rid of 10 day week (& calendar)

10 Legal Reform: The Napoleonic Code – single set of laws for all of France Equality of law Basic liberties Restored slavery Limits on women’s rights Limits on political rights and freedom of speech and press NO LAWS APPLIED TO NAPOLEON

11 Class Reforms Clergy Improved Catholic’s status Gave back land
Dropped state controls

12 Nobility Allowed nobility to return from exile Gave back land and political status

13 Bourgeoisie Stabilized markets and trade Lowered taxes Peasants Jobs Lowered food prices

14 Napoleon as a Military Leader
Wave of victories Awesome General – People liked/loved him


16 1. Spain – kicked out old king and put his brother, Joseph, in charge of Spain. Spanish fought back with help from the British. Guerrilla Warfare destroyed the French. Napoleon has to pull out (300,000 French killed)

17 Continental System Napoleon tried to isolate trade with Britain (to hurt their economy), but it backfired. Battle of Trafalgar - Napoleon lost to the British navy. This was Napoleon’s first major defeat

18 Russia (1812) Napoleon goes in with 400,000 + troops, comes back with 10,000

19 While Napoleon was “down,” the other countries ganged up to defeat him at the Battle of Leipzig (Battle of Nations)

20 Napoleon gives up the throne and was exiled to Elba.

21 100 Days - Napoleon returns to power (1815)
People didn’t like Louis XVIII (brother of the guillotined king) Napoleon escaped Elba (Louis fled) Napoleon regained full power Napoleon: best defense is a good offense. He attacked the British General Wellington at Waterloo (Belgium) Napoleon was defeated for the final time

22 This time he’s sent to St. Helena, between Africa and South America
He died in 1821 of a stomach ailment (may have been arsenic).

23 LEGACY Rise of Nationalism
·Division of people by country not social class ·People willing to go to war based on love of country ·Wars to combine city-states, divide empires

24 LEGACY (CONTINUED) Need for: · Coalitions and alliances
Diplomacy as an option to war

25 LEGACY (CONTINUED) Spread of ideas:        Political philosophy        Revolution as an option     Equality, speech, voting, property Rise of a professional military

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