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Chopin's The Story of an Hour.

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1 Chopin's The Story of an Hour

2 Author Author Kate Chopin Life: 1851-1904
Prolific short story writer penned more than 100 stories Best known for her novel, The Awakening.

3 Author Author Chopin’s literary works were highly popular in the late twentieth century, and they remain popular today.  In both The Awakening and “The Story of an Hour” the conflict centers around the problems facing women in a society that repressed them

4 General Information General Information Setting
The action takes place in a single hour in an American home in the last decade of the nineteenth Century.  The story’s setting is important in that the story unfolds during a time period when women’s voices were not heard and often not respected

5 General Information General Information
Mrs. Mallard, the main character, is locked in a relationship where she is repressed and reveals even “often she had not” loved her husband The short, dense structure mirrors the intense hour Louise spends contemplating her new independence.

6 Literary Focus Literary Focus Foreshadowing Technique and Purpose
Mrs. Mallard’s heart condition is mentioned several times early in the story—how will this be important? Chopin intentionally does not tell the reader Mrs. Mallard’s name until Paragraph 16—keep this in mind while reading and try to understand Chopin choice for doing this.

7 Literary Focus Literary Focus Symbolism
Symbolism is a powerful aspect of this story. The climax of the story takes on greater meaning if looked at symbolically The Open Window and Springtime The open window represents the freedom and opportunities that await Mrs. Mallard, and outside the window she sees rebirth: blue sky, fluffy clouds, and treetops growing to life

8 Literary Focus Literary Focus Symbolism, Continued
Louis Mallard’s Heart Condition The heart trouble that afflicts Louise is serious physical condition However, it is also a powerful symbolic malady that represents the trouble in her marriage and unhappiness with her lack of freedom

9 Literary Focus Literary Focus Irony
The story relies on how people perceive reality vs. actual reality In this story people’s expectations are always in contrast with the emotions that Mrs. Mallard is feeling This irony is not fully revealed until the story’s shocking, surprising conclusion Should Mrs. Mallard be sad…or happy?

10 Themes and Focus Themes and Focus Repression Oppression
Joy of Independence The Inherent Oppressiveness of Marriage Appearance vs. Reality

11 Summary and Plot Overview
Brently Mallard has died in a train accident, according to a report received at a newspaper office. Mallard’s wife, Louise—a young, attractive woman—suffers from a heart condition

12 Summary and Plot Overview
Everyone worries about how Mrs. Mallard with handle the news and if her heart will withstand the trauma Mallard breaks down, crying fitfully, but  suddenly, an extraordinary thought occurs to Mrs. Mallard, interrupting her grieving: She is free.

13 Character Analysis Character Analysis Louise Mallard
A woman whose husband is reportedly killed in a train accident. When Louise hears the news, she is secretly happy because she is now free. She is filled with a new lust for life, and although she usually loved her husband, she cherishes her newfound independence even more..

14 Character Analysis Character Analysis Other Characters Brently Mallard
Louise remembers Brently as a kind and loving man However, merely being married to him also made him an oppressive factor in her life. Josephine  Louise’s sister. Josephine informs Louise about Brently’s death. Richards  Brently’s friend. He is there when Josephine tells the news to Louise.

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