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Omnibus WEB Major Consumer Trends Survey commissioned by

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1 Omnibus WEB Major Consumer Trends Survey commissioned by
September 2013

2 Table of Contents Methodological Summary 3
Factors Influencing Purchase 4 Online Purchase Behavior 7 Online Research for Product Purchase 10 Types of Products Bought Online 13 Factors Influencing Store/Supplier Selection 16 CSR Factors That Influence Product/Business Selection 18 Local Purchasing Behavior 21 Brand Influence on Purchase Intent 24 Perceived Value Added 27 Influence of Recession 30 2

3 Methodological Summary
Method of data collection Web survey Markets Total Canada Sample size 1023 respondents Selection criteria - Canadian - 18 y/o and over Data collection dates From July 31th to August 5th, 2013 Statistical differences between sample sub-groups A letter next to the result for a sub-group within a table or graphic indicates that it is statistically different, at a 95% confidence level, compared to the sub-group bearing the corresponding letter. 3 3

4 Factors Influencing Purchase
Base All respondents (n=1023) Q1: In general, when you decide to purchase a product or service, which factors are important to you? ABCD: 95% significance level

5 Factors Influencing Purchase by Province
Total BC AB SK/MB Ontario Quebec Atlantic (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Base (n=1023) (n=137) (n=109) (n=67) (n=392) (n=246) (n=73) Pay the least possible 64% 56% 65% 67% B 67% Buy a recognized brand 49% 42% 43% 57% ABCE 45% 56% A Buy a product that is good for the health 52% 44% 47% 53% 54% Obtain information on the internet before buying 41% 48% F 39% 43% F 38% 31% Buy a locally made product 32% 37% 40% Obtain points, a cash back or gift upon purchase 35% 30% 28% 40% CE Buy an eco-friendly product / a product made by an eco-friendly business 26% 25% 29% C 15% 30% C Buy a product or service offered by a socially responsible business 27% 23% 24% Be able to buy online 18% 17% 26% F 14% None of these factors are important to me 4% 5% 6% 3% Base All respondents Q1: In general, when you decide to purchase a product or service, which factors are important to you? ABCD: 95% significance level

6 Factors Influencing Purchase by Income
Total <40k 40k - <60K 60k - <100k 100k+ (G) (H) (I) (J) Base (n=1023) (n=291) (n=168) (n=271) (n=141) Pay the least possible 64% 68% 66% 62% Buy a recognized brand 49% 42% 50% 57% G Buy a product that is good for the health 46% 52% Obtain information on the internet before buying 41% 35% 38% 46% G 51% GH Buy a locally made product 39% 47% G Obtain points, a cash back or gift upon purchase 33% Buy an eco-friendly product / a product made by an eco-friendly business 26% 27% 23% 28% Buy a product or service offered by a socially responsible business 22% Be able to buy online 18% 17% 20% None of these factors are important to me 4% 5% 3% 1% Base All respondents Q1: In general, when you decide to purchase a product or service, which factors are important to you? ABCD: 95% significance level

7 Online Purchase Behavior
Base All respondents (n=1023) Q2: What are your product and service purchasing habits on the Internet? ABCD: 95% significance level

8 Online Purchase Behavior by Province
Total BC AB SK/MB Ontario Quebec Atlantic (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Base (n=1023) (n=137) (n=109) (n=67) (n=392) (n=246) (n=73) I conduct a broad online search prior to a purchase 47% 50% F 49% 38% 42% 56% CDF 36% I consult customer review sites before buying 48% 45% 37% 40% I search online to find the best place to buy the product or service before buying 48% E 47% E 41% E 50% E 27% 40% E I buy products or services online in Canada 41% 44% E 34% 45% E 32% I buy products or services online in the United States 24% 26% 25% 21% 23% I buy products or services online outside of Canada or the United States 14% 15% 19% F 12% 16% 9% I consult blogs or discussion forums before buying 13% 15% C 6% 15% CF 10% I go to a store to test a product before buying it online 7% 11% Other 3% 8% DEF 2% 5% 1% I never go on the Internet before buying or to buy a product or a service 19% 18% 25% A Base All respondents Q2: What are your product and service purchasing habits on the Internet? ABCD: 95% significance level

9 Online Purchase Behavior by Income
Total <40k 40k - <60K 60k - <100k 100k+ (G) (H) (I) (J) Base (n=1023) (n=291) (n=168) (n=271) (n=141) I conduct a broad online search prior to a purchase 47% 37% 48% G 51% G 54% G I consult customer review sites before buying 42% 39% 44% 52% GH I search online to find the best place to buy the product or service before buying 46% I buy products or services online in Canada 41% 33% 50% GH 49% G I buy products or services online in the United States 24% 19% 22% 29% G 31% G I buy products or services online outside of Canada or the United States 14% 12% 16% 13% I consult blogs or discussion forums before buying 9% 17% G 20% G I go to a store to test a product before buying it online 10% Other 3% 6% I 2% I never go on the Internet before buying or to buy a product or a service 26% IJ 11% Base All respondents Q2: What are your product and service purchasing habits on the Internet? ABCD: 95% significance level

10 Online Research for Product Purchase
Base Respondents who search online (on websites, blogs, customer reviews) prior to a purchase (n=729) Q3: For which types of products or services do you seek online information before buying? ABCD: 95% significance level

11 Online Research for Product Purchase by Province
Total BC AB SK/MB Ontario Quebec Atlantic (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Base (n=729) (n=98) (n=77) (n=42) (n=287) (n=174) (n=51) Technological devices: computers, audio devices, tablets, electronic devices, etc. 74% 78% 79% 76% 71% 68% Travel and tourism: airplane/train tickets, vacations, rentals, etc. 65% 74% E 64% 67% E 56% 66% Vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. 53% 49% 58% C 40% 54% 50% 61% C Cultural goods: books, music, movies, series, etc. 37% 36% 39% 33% 38% 31% Clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories 32% 35% 29% 34% Healthcare products: food supplements, pharmaceutical products, diet products, etc. 44% EF 38% E 41% EF 24% 26% Food products and home maintenance 29% E 35% E 34% E 33% E 18% 32% E Insurance and financial services 21% 39% ACE 32% AC Personal and beauty products: makeup, perfumes, etc. 25% 23% 30% E 17% 22% Baby and child products: games, toys, early childhood education items, etc. 15% 10% 20% E 18% E 16% Alcohol 6% 8% 4% 5% Other 3% Base Respondents who search online (on websites, blogs, customer reviews) prior to a purchase Q3: For which types of products or services do you seek online information before buying? ABCD: 95% significance level

12 Online Research for Product Purchase by Income
Total <40k 40k - <60K 60k - <100k 100k+ (G) (H) (I) (J) Base (n=729) (n=185) (n=113) (n=209) (n=116) Technological devices: computers, audio devices, tablets, electronic devices, etc. 74% 67% 80% G 78% G Travel and tourism: airplane/train tickets, vacations, rentals, etc. 65% 47% 61% G 69% G 79% GH Vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. 53% 38% 50% 57% G 70% GHI Cultural goods: books, music, movies, series, etc. 37% 33% 35% 40% Clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories 36% 29% 40% H Healthcare products: food supplements, pharmaceutical products, diet products, etc. 32% Food products and home maintenance 30% 28% Insurance and financial services 34% 24% Personal and beauty products: makeup, perfumes, etc. 25% 18% Baby and child products: games, toys, early childhood education items, etc. 15% 12% 17% 10% Alcohol 6% 4% 7% 5% 10% G Other 2% Base Respondents who search online (on websites, blogs, customer reviews) prior to a purchase Q3: For which types of products or services do you seek online information before buying? ABCD: 95% significance level

13 Types of Products Bought Online
Base Respondents who test products in store before buying online and/or respondents who buy online (n=526) Q4: What types of products do you buy online? ABCD: 95% significance level

14 Types of Products Bought Online
Total BC AB SK/MB Ontario Quebec Atlantic (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Base (n=526) (n=74) (n=62) (n=30) (n=215) (n=111) (n=34) Clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories 52% 40% 48% 54% 60% A 50% 45% Travel and tourism: airplane/train tickets, vacations, rentals, etc. 58% 51% 44% Cultural goods: books, music, movies, series, etc. 49% 56% 47% Technological devices: computers, audio devices, tablets, electronic devices, etc. 57% E 43% 39% 60% DE Personal and beauty products: makeup, perfumes, etc. 21% 29% E 18% 16% 24% E 14% 28% E Healthcare products: food supplements, pharmaceutical products, diet products, etc. 19% 26% 15% 13% Baby and child products: games, toys, early childhood education items, etc. 10% Insurance and financial services 14% C 11% 2% 16% C 12% Food products and home maintenance 8% 7% Vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. 6% 4% 9% 5% Alcohol 1% - Other 17% Base Respondents who test products in store before buying online and/or respondents who buy online Q4: What types of products do you buy online? ABCD: 95% significance level

15 Types of Products Bought Online
Total <40k 40k - <60K 60k - <100k 100k+ (G) (H) (I) (J) Base (n=526) (n=130) (n=85) (n=154) Clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories 52% 53% 43% 55% 50% Travel and tourism: airplane/train tickets, vacations, rentals, etc. 30% 51% G 54% G 67% GH Cultural goods: books, music, movies, series, etc. 49% 40% Technological devices: computers, audio devices, tablets, electronic devices, etc. 47% 42% Personal and beauty products: makeup, perfumes, etc. 21% 25% 18% 24% 14% Healthcare products: food supplements, pharmaceutical products, diet products, etc. 19% 23% 22% 17% Baby and child products: games, toys, early childhood education items, etc. 10% 16% Insurance and financial services 13% 12% 15% Food products and home maintenance 11% 9% Vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. 6% 3% 4% 5% Alcohol 1% - Other 16% I Base Respondents who test products in store before buying online and/or respondents who buy online Q4: What types of products do you buy online? ABCD: 95% significance level

16 Factors Influencing Store/Supplier Selection by Province
Base Respondents who buy online Q5: Generally speaking, which statement best reflect your behaviour when looking for a store or a service supplier? ABCD: 95% significance level

17 Factors Influencing Store/Supplier Selection by Income
Base Respondents who buy online Q5: Generally speaking, which statement best reflect your behaviour when looking for a store or a service supplier? ABCD: 95% significance level

18 CSR Factors That Influence Product/Business Selection
Base All respondents (n=1023) Q6: Which social factors are so important that they have become selection criteria for a product or business with which you do business? ABCD: 95% significance level

19 CSR Factors That Influence Product/Business Selection by Province
Total BC AB SK/MB Ontario Quebec Atlantic (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Base (n=1023) (n=137) (n=109) (n=67) (n=392) (n=246) (n=73) Stores/shops located in my area or neighborhood 55% 48% 58% 52% 57% 51% 65% AE Local products / businesses offering such products 41% 38% 44% 34% 39% 46% Eco-friendly products or business 29% 26% 20% 30% 34% C 24% Human rights and occupational safety & health respectful products / businesses offering such products 25% 21% 19% 22% 33% ABD Fair trade products / businesses offering such products 23% 33% CDE 18% Organically farmed products / businesses offering such products 15% 22% CE 18% CE 7% 17% CE 10% 16% Traceable products / businesses offering such products 14% 8% Stores/shops that obtain supplies from non-profit organizations, that serve a social cause 12% None of these factors Base All respondents Q6: Which social factors are so important that they have become selection criteria for a product or business with which you do business? ABCD: 95% significance level

20 CSR Factors That Influence Product/Business Selection by Income
Total <40k 40k - <60K 60k - <100k 100k+ (G) (H) (I) (J) Base (n=1023) (n=291) (n=168) (n=271) (n=141) Stores/shops located in my area or neighborhood 55% 52% 58% 60% Local products / businesses offering such products 41% 40% 43% Eco-friendly products or business 29% 30% 24% Human rights and occupational safety & health respectful products / businesses offering such products 25% 31% I 30% I 19% 22% Fair trade products / businesses offering such products 23% 26% Organically farmed products / businesses offering such products 15% 18% 13% 14% Traceable products / businesses offering such products 12% 17% Stores/shops that obtain supplies from non-profit organizations, that serve a social cause 17% IJ 9% None of these factors 20% Base All respondents Q6: Which social factors are so important that they have become selection criteria for a product or business with which you do business? ABCD: 95% significance level

21 Local Purchasing Behavior
Base All respondents (n=1023) Q7: Thinking about purchases you have made in the last months, would you say you made a specific effort to shop for or purchase products made or produced : ABCD: 95% significance level

22 Local Purchasing Behavior by Province
Total BC AB SK/MB Ontario Quebec Atlantic (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Base (n=1023) (n=137) (n=109) (n=67) (n=392) (n=246) (n=73) In Canada 45% 48% 38% 46% 39% 57% CE In your region 24% 21% 11% 20% C 36% ABCD 27% C In the province where you reside 14% 25% A 16% 22% A 30% AC 33% ACD In your city / municipality 23% 19% 17% 34% ABCDF 18% I have made no specific effort to shop for or purchase such products 35% 37% 49% EF 38% E 27% 28% Base All respondents Q7: Thinking about purchases you have made in the last months, would you say you made a specific effort to shop for or purchase products made or produced : ABCD: 95% significance level

23 Local Purchasing Behavior by Income
Total <40k 40k - <60K 60k - <100k 100k+ (G) (H) (I) (J) Base (n=1023) (n=291) (n=168) (n=271) (n=141) In Canada 45% 46% 43% 44% In your region 24% 22% 25% In the province where you reside 26% 23% In your city / municipality 20% I have made no specific effort to shop for or purchase such products 35% 31% 39% 34% Base All respondents Q7: Thinking about purchases you have made in the last months, would you say you made a specific effort to shop for or purchase products made or produced : ABCD: 95% significance level

24 Brand Influence on Purchase Intent
Base All respondents (n=1023) Q8: For what types of products or services does the brand represent a decision factor for you? ABCD: 95% significance level

25 Brand Influence on Purchase Intent by Province
Total BC AB SK/MB Ontario Quebec Atlantic (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Base (n=1023) (n=137) (n=109) (n=67) (n=392) (n=246) (n=73) Vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. 48% 41% 49% 42% 50% 52% Technological devices: computers, audio devices, tablets, electronic devices, etc. 46% 37% Food products and home maintenance 39% 34% 32% Clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories 28% 25% 26% 21% 32% C 27% 24% Personal and beauty products: makeup, perfumes, etc. 23% 20% 34% ACEF 16% Healthcare products: food supplements, pharmaceutical products, diet products, etc. 22% 31% Insurance and financial services 18% 36% ACDF Travel and tourism: airplane/train tickets, vacations, rentals, etc. 27% C 15% 28% CF 17% Alcohol 19% Baby and child products: games, toys, early childhood education items, etc. 10% 6% 14% AE 9% Other 3% 2% 1% 4% 5% The brand is never a decision factor for me 30% BDE Base All respondents Q8: For what types of products or services does the brand represent a decision factor for you? ABCD: 95% significance level

26 Brand Influence on Purchase Intent by Income
Total <40k 40k - <60K 60k - <100k 100k+ (G) (H) (I) (J) Base (n=1023) (n=291) (n=168) (n=271) (n=141) Vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. 48% 35% 46% G 54% G 63% GH Technological devices: computers, audio devices, tablets, electronic devices, etc. 46% 41% 42% 50% 58% GH Food products and home maintenance 39% 34% 43% Clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories 28% 25% 27% 42% GHI Personal and beauty products: makeup, perfumes, etc. 21% 26% 29% G 38% GH Healthcare products: food supplements, pharmaceutical products, diet products, etc. 33% Insurance and financial services 19% 33% G Travel and tourism: airplane/train tickets, vacations, rentals, etc. 14% 28% G 37% G Alcohol 22% 17% 24% 23% 34% GHI Baby and child products: games, toys, early childhood education items, etc. 10% 9% 13% Other 3% 5% J 4% 1% The brand is never a decision factor for me 18% 20% J 21% J 15% 11% Base All respondents Q8: For what types of products or services does the brand represent a decision factor for you? ABCD: 95% significance level

27 Perceived Value Added Base All respondents (n=1023) Q9:
In which cases would you be willing to pay more to obtain a product or service? ABCD: 95% significance level

28 Perceived Value Added by Province
Total BC AB SK/MB Ontario Quebec Atlantic (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Base (n=1023) (n=137) (n=109) (n=67) (n=392) (n=246) (n=73) Buy a product that is good for the health 31% 33% F 21% 34% CF 30% 20% Buy a locally made product 29% 28% Buy a recognized brand 24% 22% 32% E Buy an eco-friendly product / made by an eco-friendly business 18% 16% Buy a product or service offered by a socially responsible business 17% 19% 13% 10% Be able to buy online 7% 5% 13% AEF 9% F 2% None of these cases 34% 36% 27% 48% BDE 32% 38% Base All respondents Q9: In which cases would you be willing to pay more to obtain a product or service? ABCD: 95% significance level

29 Perceived Value Added by Income
Total <40k 40k - <60K 60k - <100k 100k+ (G) (H) (I) (J) Base (n=1023) (n=291) (n=168) (n=271) (n=141) Buy a product that is good for the health 31% 26% 36% G 29% Buy a locally made product 30% 33% Buy a recognized brand 28% 23% 32% G 40% GH Buy an eco-friendly product / made by an eco-friendly business 21% 18% Buy a product or service offered by a socially responsible business 17% 16% 13% Be able to buy online 7% 8% None of these cases 34% 40% IJ Base All respondents Q9: In which cases would you be willing to pay more to obtain a product or service? ABCD: 95% significance level

30 Influence of Recession
Base All respondents (n=1023) Q10: What impact did the last economic recession ( ) have on your habits as a consumer? ABCD: 95% significance level

31 Influence of Recession by Province
Total BC AB SK/MB Ontario Quebec Atlantic (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Base (n=1023) (n=137) (n=109) (n=67) (n=392) (n=246) (n=73) I shop around more to make sure I am paying the best price 44% 43% C 48% C 27% 49% CE 38% 54% CE I buy products and services that cost less 32% 36% BC 20% 23% 37% BCE 29% 34% B I buy less products and services than before the recession 31% 18% 37% CE 28% 33% C I buy used or second-hand merchandise 28% E 26% E 16% 27% CE 24% I exchange goods or services 5% 3% 4% 6% 2% I rent certain products or services I used to buy before None of these choices 8% E 9% E The recession had no impact on my habits as a consumer 33% 52% ABDEF 36% DF 21% Base All respondents Q10: What impact did the last economic recession ( ) have on your habits as a consumer? ABCD: 95% significance level

32 Influence of Recession by Income
Total <40k 40k - <60K 60k - <100k 100k+ (G) (H) (I) (J) Base (n=1023) (n=291) (n=168) (n=271) (n=141) I shop around more to make sure I am paying the best price 44% 45% 49% 43% I buy products and services that cost less 32% 40% HJ 29% 34% J 24% I buy less products and services than before the recession 31% 36% 30% I buy used or second-hand merchandise 23% 36% HIJ 14% 23% HJ 11% I exchange goods or services 5% 7% 4% I rent certain products or services I used to buy before 3% 6% 2% None of these choices 7% G The recession had no impact on my habits as a consumer 34% G 32% G 38% G Base All respondents Q10: What impact did the last economic recession ( ) have on your habits as a consumer? ABCD: 95% significance level

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