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Update on post-2020 cohesion policy

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1 Update on post-2020 cohesion policy
EUROCITIES position on the future cohesion policy Marton MATKO EUROCITIES policy advisor WG metropolitan areas Essen, 18 October 2017

2 The broader context EUROCITIES strongly involved in:
Setting up and running the urban agenda for the EU Debate on the future of Europe Linking EU and local initiatives addressing current challenges (e.g. circular economy, smart cities/digital and energy transition, urban mobility, climate change, local jobs&skills, inclusion and the social pillar, integration of migrants and refugees) All these have strong implications on the resources, objectives, thematic foci and modus operandi of future cohesion policy.

3 Prospective timeline for post-2020 cohesion policy
EP elections Brexit negotiations Cohesion Forum Cohesion report Proposal on next MFF Proposal on cohesion pol Impact assessment with public consultation Legislative negotiations Legislative negotiations 2017 Mar June 26-27 October 2018 May 2019 2020 2021 Advocacy activities EUROCITIES Statement CP post-2020 EUROCITIES policy paper CP post-2020 EUROCITIES policy response to CP proposal

4 Challenges to overcome
Extremely difficult setting for debate on future EU budget Unfavourable global political climate, new challenges Brexit and its unclear implications Lack of commonly agreed vision (and appetite) for future of EU Mainstream discourse ignores territorial approach Lack of overarching strategy (SDGs?) or territorial vision Links to EU economic governance, structural reforms as main principle EU added value of expenditure (EU public goods) – CP, CAP questioned Financial engineering vs grants Simplification objective becoming a pretext to cut ‘complexity’ of CP, risking place-based approach and partnership

5 Why is cohesion policy vital for the future EU?
Main expression of solidarity within EU (people and territories) An indispensable resource for long-term investments in large parts of EU Tangible local impact: better access to housing, education, jobs, health and social care (especially for vulnerable groups), improved research and business environment, better water and air quality, lower emissions Improves governance in policy making and implementation (evidence-based, strategic planning, place-based, integrated approach, multi-level governance, bottom-up initiatives) Helps local innovation through experiments and cooperation (Interreg, URBACT, urban innovative actions)

6 How to make CP more impactful and efficient?
EUROCITES policy paper on future cohesion policy (June 2017): Maintaining its share withing EU budget, covering all regions Making multi-level governance and partnership a reality Strengthing the integrated approach and the urban dimension Providing flexibility within a coherent strategic framework Simplifying access and implementation

7 Specific recommendations
Real partnership with cities Enforcement of the European Code of Conduct on Partnership Meaningful dialogue with cities on identifying programme priorities Strenghtened urban and territorial dimension to support the integrated, place-based, strategic approach Better coordination bw ERDF and ESF MAs to help combine funds locally Stronger incentives to use ITI and CLLD Increased ERDF earmarking for integrated SUD strategies, also extended to ESF Promote cooperation at functional area level Promote bottom-up, community inititiatives Light procedure to delegate powers to cities Direct access to TA for capacity building Flexible stragegic framework Need for comprehensive EU-wide strategy post-2020 More flexibility in programming based on local conditions (thematic concentration) Simplification of delivery Single rulebook for ESIF, timeliness Shift from sanctions to prevetion Proportional reporting and audit Equal State-aid treatment for ESIF Innovation, transfer of good practice Strengthening ETC (Interreg) pillar, specifcally the URBACT programme Urban innovative actions maintained Improved use of existing networks

8 What are we doing to achieve this?
Collecting local evidence on benefits of CP Formulating proposals through the urban agenda partnerships Voicing our opinion and building alliances Policy statement at Mayors’ summit (March 2017) Policy paper on future cohesion policy (June 2017) Direct dialogue with Commission, EP, Council Responding to public consultation on future CP (Q4 2017?) EWRC: the current event + Cohesion Alliance (October 2017) EMA European Metropolitan Authorities (October 2017) Cities Forum (November 2017) Policy response to future CP proposal (June 2018?)

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