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Bellevue High School Prom

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Presentation on theme: "Bellevue High School Prom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellevue High School Prom

2 Class and Dignity Bellevue High School Prom is a formal event.
Students are expected to act and dress with class and dignity. Dress code will be checked at the door and Bellevue School Staff have the right to decline admission to any student not meeting the Bellevue Prom dress code outlined in this presentation.

3 Gentlemen Must wear proper formal attire (suit or tuxedo)
Gentlemen may wear jeans, but they may NOT have any holes or tears in them. Also, button up shirts with a collar must be worn with jeans. Gentlemen may only have top two buttons on shirt undone. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. May wear formal hats or cowboy hats, but no caps.

4 Acceptable

5 Unacceptable

6 Young Ladies No two-piece dresses allowed. This includes see-thru
and cut-out middles and sides. Dresses with extremely low-cut backs or sides is prohibited. No deep cut fronts over exposing cleavage. Hems and slits must not be above the fingertips.

7 Acceptable

8 Unacceptable

9 Behavior School rules apply to all school social events.
Guests attending these events are expected to observe the same rules as students. A student attending a social event will be asked to sign out when leaving before the end of the event; anyone leaving before the official end of the event will not be readmitted. No inappropriate dancing.

10 Questions If you have any questions about prom, you may ask
Mr. Qualls or Mrs. Hendrix. Girls with dress questions need to see Mrs. Hendrix. Boys with formal attire questions need to see Mr. Qualls. Bellevue ISD and its staff wants our students to have fun, but we want them to also be safe and compliant with all rules and codes in the student handbook and also in this presentation.

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