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Being an OA Quality Lodge

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Presentation on theme: "Being an OA Quality Lodge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Being an OA Quality Lodge
Facilitated by: Tom Welna Paul Bartyzal (Totanhan Nakaha Lodge – St. Paul, MN) THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

2 Welcome! Personal introduction - quickly Position Lodge name
Lodge location Approx. membership count THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

3 How to be a Quality Lodge?
It’s all about Timing Planning Coaching Mentoring Teamwork Belief in the goal Statistics THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

4 The requirements What does it mean? What do you need to achieve it?
What barriers are preventing you now? How will you overcome those barriers? Does the budget support it? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

5 Requirement #1 The Lodge complies with all requirements in the current printings of the OA Handbook Guide for Officers & Advisors Field Operation’s Guide Guide to Inductions and ceremony books The Council has only one OA lodge organization THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

6 Lodge Organization Are you familiar with these Guides?
Where can you find them? What do you do if you’re not in compliance? Do you have two lodges? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

7 Requirement #2 The lodge experienced positive growth in it’s membership Last years recharter numbers plus one! Do you certify all members are registered with BSA? How do you do that? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

8 Requirement #3 The Lodge inducted a minimum of 30% of its eligible Ordeal members into the Brotherhood What is an eligible Ordeal member? What do you do with 2 year and older Ordeal Members? Do you use an elangomat program? An extended program Do you require Ordeal to go through another Ordeal or work program for Brotherhood? Does the size of the lodge affect your approach? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

9 Requirement #4 The lodge conducted one or more LLD course with qualified instructors and use the current LLD materials (available at to train lodge and chapter officers, lodge and chapter committee chairs, and their advisors. Collectively, the LLD courses were attended by a minimum of 75% of all members eligible to attend. THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

10 Who is eligible to attend?
Should you restrict attendance? Should you require attendance? Should you do it all at once or spread it out? What about making it attractive to attend and maybe interesting? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

11 Requirement #5 The lodge completed service projects for the council camp or service center and a council approved community service project. A written report for each project was included in the lodge annual report. During the year, lodge members contributed an average of three hours of service per person THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

12 Do you submit an annual report?
Do you have a service project committee? How do you track the hours? What do you do if you’re a mega-lodge? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

13 Requirement #6 After contacting each troop and team in the council, the lodge conducted an election in every unit desiring an election The election teams were trained and all team members were in proper uniform during each election. THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

14 Do you have an election committee and election team training?
How do you recruit teams? Do you use OA representatives? Do you allow elections at camp? Should you? How do you collect the results? Do you have time limits? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

15 Requirement #7 Following a review of the OA Strategic Plan, the lodge key 3 met with the council Scout executive to identify ways for the lodge to be more effective in cooperating and coordinating with council programs and events. The lodge calendar permits members to actively participate in unit, district, and council events. THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

16 Do you have a copy of the strategic Plan?
Do you have a copy of your councils Strategic Plan? Who should be doing this? Do you have a lodge annual plan? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

17 Requirement #8 The lodge leadership actively participated in the development and implementation of the councils plan for the promotion of the councils camping, high adventure, and other outdoor programs. Working closely with the district and council leadership, the lodge camping promotion committee helped establish and conduct promotional contacts to a minimum of 75% of the troops and the teams in the council as of June 30, 20__. Contacts:_______________ The number of troops & Teams:________________ THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

18 Do you have a camping committee? Does your council have a:
What about Cub Camping? What is a contact? Do you have a camping committee? Does your council have a: Camping Committee? High Adventure Committee? Program Committee? How can you cover yourself? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

19 Requirement #9 The lodge contributed cash, materials, or both to the council in an amount equal to at least $2.00 per lodge member? What are your dues? Is the $2.00 built into your dues structure? What about labor, do you include it? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

20 Requirement #10 The lodge submitted a written annual report of accomplishments to the council executive board. Who should be doing this theoretically? Who should really get it done? When should it be done? What time should it cover? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

21 Requirement Summary These are the 10 required criteria – there are five more required. Three are to be picked from a list of nine items. The remaining two can come from the list of nine items or something agreed to by you and your council. Technically, the Scout Executive approves these five. THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

22 Nine Discretionary Items

23 A. Contributions In addition to contributions made in item #9 ($2.00 per lodge member) the lodge made a minimum contribution of $1,000 to the councils endowment fund What is the James E. West Fund? Is this in your dues? How could you capitalize on the James E. West contribution? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

24 B. Camping Pamphlet The lodge published a “where to go” camping pamphlet, CD or information on the lodge or council website which has been updated within the last three years. Could you use the internet? How do you update it? Could you use this for three years? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

25 C. Ceremonies Each ceremony team member memorized his part and each ceremony was presented in an effective and impressive manner in accordance with the official ceremony books and the Guide to inductions. What part is subjective? What part is spelled out? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

26 D. Lodge Progress The lodge key 3 met at least six times during the year to discuss the progress of the lodge. What would keep you from doing this? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

27 E. The lodge provided manpower, resources, and or program assistance in support of the councils Cub Scout outdoor program and Webelos transition to Boy Scouts. What is a “Webelos Woods” camping experience? Do you do Arrow of Light ceremonies? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

28 F. NLS / NLATS Within the last two years, two youth attended a NLS and completed their contracts, and one adult attended a NLATS and completed the required discussion with the council Scout Executive. Does your budget (dues) provide support for the youth and maybe gas for the adult for these courses? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

29 G. The lodge created a plan to serve the OA Scoutreach mentoring Program. The plan was approved by the council Scout executive or the council Scoutreach committee and was included in the lodge annual report. What is the OA Scoutreach Program? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

30 H. The lodge produced and distributed (by hardcopy, , or lodge website) a minimum of four newsletters to its members and contributed articles to the council newsletter or website. Lodge websites conform to the councils website policies. What is a newsletter? Do you have a website? Do you have a webmaster? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

31 I. One youth member attended a national OA high adventure program.
A minimum of three youth and two adult members attended the section conclave. At least five lodge members participated in NOAC Does your budget provide any support? Why are numbers for Sectrar and NOAC so low? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

32 Summary for Quality Lodge
Items you should have if you’re going to become a quality lodge. Annual Budget Dues National Sectional FOS - $2.00 / member $1,000 James E. West or other Education funds Funds for travel – NLS / Section / NOAC / NLATS THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

33 Summary (cont.) Annual Report Regular Key 3 meeting (6)
Service Project and hours Scoutreach plan Regular Key 3 meeting (6) Annual Plan for Lodge THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

34 Annual Plan resources Guide for Officers and Advisers
Lodge Finance Manual Guide to Inductions Planning Model THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

35 Summary (cont.) Committees Election LLD – training
Camping / Activities promotions Inductions THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

36 Closing Commitment to do it by all individuals including the LEC – led by the Lodge Chief. THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING


38 Thank you for coming! “Do Your Best” THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING

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