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Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest

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1 Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest
The many facets of the Regularity Lemma Lovász László Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest Cim May 2012

2 The Lemma Original version
Given  >0 The nodes of any graph can be partitioned into a small number of essentially equal parts so that most bipartite graphs between 2 parts are essentially random (with different densities). difference at most 1 with  k2 exceptions for subsets X,Y of parts Vi,Vj # of edges between X and Y is pij|X||Y| ±  (n/k)2 May 2012

3 The Lemma Weaker and Stronger
Original Regularity Lemma Szemerédi 1976 “Weak” Regularity Lemma Frieze-Kannan 1999 “Strong” Regularity Lemma Alon-Fisher-Krivelevich -M.Szegedy 2000 Tao 2006 L-B.Szegedy 2007 May 2012

4 The Lemma Weak version S pij: density between Vi and Vj May 2012

5 The Lemma Weak version replace edges between Vi and Vj
by random edges with density pij to get G' May 2012

6 The Lemma Original version
Vi X Y Vj May 2012

7 The Lemma Strong version
May 2012

8 Regularity lemma in pictures Pixel pictures
AG G WG May 2012

9 Regularity lemma in pictures Pixel pictures
May 2012

10 Regularity lemma in pictures Pixel pictures
essentially random Nodes can be so ordered May 2012

11 Removal Lemma A great application
>0 ’>0 # of triangles ’n3  we can delete n2 edges to get a triangle-free graph. Ruzsa - Szemerédi Implies: the r3(n) theorem,... Dependence of 1/' on 1/ is at most tower of height log(1/) Fox May 2012

12 Counting Lemma Subgraph densities
t(F,G): Probability that random map V(F)V(G) preserves edges (Can be defined for weighted graphs G) |t(F,G) - t(F,H)|  |E(F)| □(G,H) If □(G,H) is small, then G and G’ are similar in many other respects... May 2012

13 Linear algebra version Low rank approximation
Cut norm of nxn matrix A: : Frieze - Kannan May 2012

14 Analytic version Approximation in Hilbert space
May 2012

15 Analytic version 2. Distance of graphs
cut distance (a) V(G) = V(G') (b) |V(G)| = |V(G')| (c) |V(G)| =n, |V(G')|=m (blow up nodes, or fractional overlay) May 2012

16 Analytic version 2. Distance of graphs
“Weak" Regularity Lemma (approximation form): May 2012

17 Analytic version Graphons
W0 = {W: [0,1]2 [0,1], symmetric, measurable} "graphon" t(F,WG) = t(F,G): Probability that random map V(F)V(G) preserves edges May 2012

18 Analytic version 2. Distance of functions
May 2012

19 Analytic version 2. Approximation by stepfunctions
“Weak" Regularity Lemma for graphons: May 2012

20 Analytic version 2 Approximation by stepfunctions
“Strong" Regularity Lemma: May 2012

21 Analytic version 3 Compactness
Strongest (but non-effective) Regularity Lemma: 1-step Martingale Convergence Theorem k-step May 2012

22 Analytic version 2. Deriving the strong version
1-step 3-step 2-step -neighborhoods with radius εk L1-neigborhoods with radius ε0 May 2012

23 Geometric version Similarity metric
w u This is a metric Representative set U: for any two nodes in U, dsim(s,t) >  for most nodes, dsim(U,v)   May 2012

24 = weak regularity partition
Geometric version Representative set and regularity Voronoi diagram = weak regularity partition May 2012

25 Geometric version Representative set and regularity
If P = {S1, , Sk} is a partition of V(G) such that d(G,GP) = , then we can select nodes viSi such that the average similarity distance from S = {v1, , vk} is at most 4. If SV and the average similarity distance from S is , then the Voronoi cells of S form a partition P such that d(G,GP) 8. L-Szegedy May 2012

26 Geometric version Regularity and dimension
Every graph can be partitioned into sets with similarity diameter <. Alon Graph with similarity distance is almost finite dimensional May 2012

27 Algorithm What answer to expect?
- Cannot list for all nodes! Input: We can sample a uniform random node a bounded number of times, and see edges between sampled nodes. Output: For any given node, we want to tell in which class it belongs to (after some preprocessing) May 2009

28 Algorithm Computing a weak regularity partition
Construct representative set U sim(s,t) is computable in the sampling model Each node is in same class as closest representative. May 2012

29 Congratulations Endre!
And finally... Congratulations Endre! May 2012

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