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Happy Thursday! What were three CAUSES of westward expansion?

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Thursday! What were three CAUSES of westward expansion?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Thursday! What were three CAUSES of westward expansion?
Who worked for the CPR? Who for the UPR? Which had better conditions? What is the significance of May 10, 1869?

2 Natives vs. Settlers American Settlers Native Americans
Wanted to own land for themselves (wealth & prestige) Thought land should be used, “improved,” or developed Felt the land had not yet been settled Wanted Gold & wealth Native Americans Shared land Used what they needed & preserved the land Roamed the land following buffalo

3 Closing the Frontier Despite numerous treaties, the demand for native lands grew & grew to the point of NO compromise Militias formed in the West to ensure safe settlement; The Native Americans were growing intolerant of being pushed on to less desirable territory

4 Closing the Frontier continued…
US changed policy about the Great Plains Reservation by setting borders for each tribe AGAIN taking away land for US purposes- railroad, US settlement, mining

5 Sand Creek Massacre-1864 Cheyenne Indians in Colorado
Colorado Volunteers surrounded the settlement & brutally killed many natives including women and children Treaty of Fort Laramie ended the hostilities temporarily

6 Little Big Horn and Custer’s Last Stand (1876)
General George A. Custer, leading an expedition, discovered gold in the Black Hills of South Dakota Ignored previous treaties Sitting Bull & Crazy Horse, Indian leaders, decided to defend their land against an over confident General Custer The regiment and General Custer were massacred

7 US Government and Native Americans
Assimilation- Native Americans would give up their culture and become a part of white culture Dawes Act- (1887) Law passed to “Americanize” the natives by breaking up their reservations and giving individual land to natives The US Government made many broken promises to the Native Americans

8 Assimilation and the Dawes Act

9 Assimilation through Boarding Schools
Haircuts Forbidden to speak their Native language Given new traditional names Separated from their families Carlisle, PA

10 The Native American & the US
Many battles between American Soldiers and Native Americans continue Battle of Wounded Knee- Unarmed Natives were slaughtered and left to freeze on the ground Native American lifestyle ends Buffalo destruction leads to the end of Native American traditions Railroads bring new settlers Disease kill many Natives

11 Group Presentations Take 5 minutes to run through/prepare with your group then we will start presentations!

12 A Century of Dishonor Critics of United States policy made their opinions known Helen Hunt Jackson- published A Century of Dishonor (1881) a book that assaulted United States Indian policy & injustices toward Native Americans over the past hundred years

13 A Century of Dishonor Assignment
You are to access the document on my website titled “A Century of Dishonor” You are writing (or typing) a response to the two guided reading questions- How were Native Americans affected by the United States denying them citizenship? •How were they affected by the United States denying them ownership of property? Your response should be 2 paragraphs in length and you must include at least 2 in-text citations! Your response should build on the citations.

14 Directions: You are going to be assigned one of four roles (Native American, Cowboy, Chinese Immigrant, or Woman). You are going to research the assigned role and become knowledgeable about what life was like for them during the late 1800’s in the Wild West. Step 1 (10 points): Complete the research sheet Step 2 (20 points): In groups of four, you are to create a minimum 20 line conversation between the four characters. Each character must speak at least 4 times! Your lines need to be 1-2 sentences each. For example- simply saying “Hi” does not count as a line! Step 3 (10 points): You will perform your skit for the class. Props are encouraged! Step 4 (10 points): You will answer the question “What happens when cultures collide?” with your group in paragraph form. Total: 50 points

15 Tomorrow -> Issues faced by Farmers
Exit Ticket- in your notebook! Watch trailer Write a brief description about the Wizard of Oz

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