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Recycling of steel Recycling of copper

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1 Recycling of steel Recycling of copper
Author/presenter: Katharina Eckartz, Fraunhofer ISI

2 Overview Collection Processing Transport of end-of-life materials &
Trade Secondary production Primary production Processing, use and trade of by-products from primary and secondary production of end-of-life materials & scrap from fabrication Focus on scrap and on by-products

3 Regulatory barriers End-of-waste criteria CLP legislation
National implementation of waste framework directive can lead to different interpretations Classification of material can vary between regions/countries leading to administrative burdens and uncertainty Criteria for priority waste streams are often not met -> in the majority of cases, scrap is classified as waste CLP legislation It is discussed to introduce a maximum content of lead of at max. 0,03% into the CLP legislation  classification as hazardous waste? Mention by-products

4 Removing the barriers Economic Market size:
New markets for by-products Possibly loss in markets for virgin material that can be substituted with by-products Contribution to recycling-profitability  Access to raw-materials (steel, copper, precious metals) Market size: Copper: >2 mio t copper scrap used in Europe (2013) Market price copper: > 6750 US$/t (2013), currently ~5000 US$/t Steel: 66.1 mio t steel from EAF, 91 mio t steel from steel scrap Market price steel billet: 100US$/t (March 2016) 1 t steel  kg by-products (90% by mass: slag) Important to consider the time in use. Growing demand

5 Removing the barriers Environmental Using more by-products:
Less material to be deposited Less virgin material used Recycling-profitability Less use of virgin material (ores), fewer CO2-emissions Ensure proper treatment

6 Thank you!

7 Regulatory barriers II
Waste-shipment-regulation Wish for better enforcement to prevent illegal exports Wish for easing administrative procedures Regulatory differences to outside Europe With global prices  distortion in competition, e.g. ETS -> global ETS? Wish for a design for reuse and recycling Ensure high recycling rates and recycling profitability Wish for an alignment of legislation Between product & waste, between environmental areas Wish for more understandability Wish for less administrative cost w.r.t. the first, this could be achieved by needs for LCA or recycling content quotas (motivate but do not regulate)

8 Sources Copper: own estimations Copper-prices:
Steel: World steel recycling in Figures , Bureau of International recycling Steel price: LME – March 18, 2016 Slag: World steel association – Factsheet steel industry by-products, 2014

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