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How did the gospel spread in the 1st century?

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1 How did the gospel spread in the 1st century?
God had a plan implemented through the apostles – Mark 16:15,16; Matthew 28:19,20

2 Where do we fit in this work?
Acts 5:42 “in every house” Early Christians used their homes to powerfully teach individuals IF you had to suddenly move & completely start over, would you have time to tell other about the Lord? Acts 8:3,4 There is a reason why these Christians could do this – The gospel was a part of them – if you came to know them you would hear the gospel!

3 Where do we fit in this work?
How many of you see this work as yours? Have you built a biblical faith in your life? We must be committed to building a strong foundation for our own faith The issue is not how much knowledge and experience I possess Where does successful teaching come from? It comes from a heart of faith 2 Corinthians 8:1,2

4 Two Examples During Christ’s Ministry
Would you have sent a previously mad, demon possessed man back to his people? Mark 5:17-20; Luke 8:40 What made this man successful? How many of you have a greater knowledge than this man? John 4:25-30 – “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did” Would you use this woman in evangelism?

5 Resurrection of Christ the Foundation of Evangelism
They heard the evidence and were changed – Acts 2:32; 3:14,15; 13:27-31 Genuine faith is never a blind faith – Hebrews 11:1 Resurrection and Judgment assured – Acts 17:30,31; 2 Corinthians 4:13,14 We are also raised because of our faith in the resurrection – Colossians 2:12-13 Could you teach someone unsure Bible is from God, Jesus is the son of God? 1Peter 3:15

6 We Must Have A Clear Understanding of the Grace of God
What ultimately are we teaching? We want others to trust in God Love of God brings men to God – Psalm 36:7; 1 Peter 2:1-3; 1 John 4:19 Must center on the cross of Christ – Galatians 6:14; Philippians 3:7-9 Must have a clear view of where we stand before God or we will present a false view of the life of a Christian- 1 John 4:17-19

7 We Need to Change How We See This World
We will respond when we clearly see the need – Hebrews 11:24-27 What if we lived in Samaria at the time of the Syrian siege? – 2 Kings 6:24,25 Have you ever really been hungry? If your could feed the starving, would you? Four leprous men find an empty camp – 2Kings 7:4,5

8 We Must Believe That There Is A Hell
When was the last time you seriously considered the Bible teaching on Hell? – Mark 9:42-48; 2 Corinthians 5:10,11 IF we really believe this, what will be in our hearts when we see those whom we love? James 2:14-17 We need a sense of urgency! John 4:34-38

9 We Need Real Leadership in Evangelism
What are we really committed to? – Matthew 6:22-24 It means that you will pursue it It means that you will build associates based on that commitment It means that your greatest joy will come from successes in this cause – Luke 15:4-7

10 We Need Real Leadership in Evangelism
The church is filled with committed people - but committed to what? Real leadership will provide training – 2 Timothy 2:2 Best training done in the home and in actual studies

11 Let Your First Fruit in Evangelism Be Your Own Soul
Revelation 3:19.20 How man need to rediscover the joy of their salvation? Psalm 51:10-13 This is the greatest work we can be a part of Are you ready to pursue it?

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