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*Sending *Sowing *Saving *Shepherding 28th Annual Faith Promise Missions Conference Luke 14:15-24 “That My House May Be Filled”

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2 *Sending *Sowing *Saving *Shepherding 28th Annual Faith Promise Missions Conference Luke 14:15-24 “That My House May Be Filled”

3 *Sending *Sowing *Saving *Shepherding
EXPECTATIONS: (vs.16,17) Intent: ‘Great Supper’ (Not the # of guests, but the significance of the guests) Invited: ‘Many’ Jews Insistence: ‘Come, all things are ready.’

4 *Sending *Sowing *Saving *Shepherding
EXCUSES: (vs.18-20) LATE NOTICES WHICH DEMONSTRATE “NO INTEREST” Examples of Finances and Family can get in the way of important things:

5 *Sending *Sowing *Saving *Shepherding
EXCEPTIONAL EFFORT TO TARGET PEOPLE: (vs.21-24) (The outcasts of society, Jews) (The Gentiles of ill repute) (The Purpose of ‘MY HOUSE’) (Those you expect will not taste)

6 “Go???” Who are you inviting to the table? What excuses do you use?
Do you have an “interest” in the Father’s business? Go and find people who will respond?

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