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Presentation by: Ms. Taylor

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1 Presentation by: Ms. Taylor
Chapter 30, Section 2 Presentation by: Ms. Taylor


3 Map of Vietnam Vietnam is located just south of China, in the area that we call Indochina.

4 Causes of the Vietnam War…
Indochina belonged to the French. During WWII, the Japanese captured Indochina and took it from the French. Ho Chi Minh was the leader of the Communist forces in Vietnam. Japan lost WWII, so Ho Chi Minh fought the French for control of Vietnam. HO CHI MINH and the Communists defeated the French, and the French left Vietnam and were no longer in control.

5 Causes of the Vietnam War…
After WWII, the Allies met in Geneva to work out a peace agreement. This was known as the Geneva Accords. According to the Geneva Accords, Vietnam would be temporarily divided between North and South Vietnam. Vietnam divided between North and South.

6 Causes of the Vietnam War…
Ngo Dihn Dehm – became the leader of South Vietnam. NON-COMMUNIST Ho Chi Minh – became the leader of North Vietnam. COMMUNIST

7 Causes of the Vietnam War…
In the late 1950’s, Diem started a civil war against Communists remaining in South Vietnam. In response, Ho Chi Minh formed the National Liberation Front (NLF), also known as the Vietcong.

8 How did America get involved in the conflict?
One answer: the domino theory. What is the domino theory? Obviously, our country is going to be supporting and sending billions of dollars in aid to help Diem and the South Vietnamese forces – because they are NOT communist.

9 America runs into a problem…
The Diem government of South Vietnam started taking away rights from people. They took away rights from the Buddhists, who started protesting by burning themselves in the streets. Obviously, the Americans could no longer support the Diem government of South Vietnam. Diem was assassinated.

10 What does America do next?
McNamara President Johnson JFK is assassinated. Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President of the United States. President Johnson decides to send Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara to Vietnam.

11 The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
In August 1964, North Vietnamese patrol boats attacked American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. This attack allowed President Johnson to ask America to officially go to war in Vietnam. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which allowed the President to “take ALL necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States”.

12 Johnson sends soldiers to Vietnam
March 8, 1965 – President Johnson started sending more troops to Vietnam. They were stationed at Da Nang. 1965 – 180,000 1966 – 400,000 1968 – 500,000

13 Operation Rolling Thunder
Massive bombing along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

14 Search-and-Destroy Missions
Napalm – an explosive that burned intensely. Agent Orange – herbicide that was sprayed to clear trees and forests.

15 Debates in the White House
THE END Officials in the White House believed that, at first, we could succeed. However, as the war dragged on, some government officials saw a gloomier situation. Outside the nation’s capital, opposition to the war grew and soon would turn into massive anger!!!!

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