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Warm Up: Friday, April 24th

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1 Warm Up: Friday, April 24th
Answer the questions below: Why do people lie? What does it feel like to lie? Why is it difficult for some people to tell the truth? Is it always easy to know the difference between a lie and the truth? Why?

2 While we’re talking about lying,
What other main concepts or ideas do you think the play utilizes in the beginning of its first act?

3 What our playwright has said about lying (in the beginning of Act I):
“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”  

4 Learning Targets I can apply topics/theme words to the first part of Act I of The Importance of Being Earnest in order to predict how these same topics will be addressed in the remainder of the play. 

5 Task You will be given a one-word topic and put into a group. With your group, Using the categories on your graphic organizer, identify what is being said about your topic through the words and events shown in Act I of The Importance of Being Earnest. You have10 minutes.

6 What our playwright has said about lying:
“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” (page 6)   Consider tone, dramatic/comedic conventions, characterization, and setting.

7 Topics in Earnest/Groups
Period One Period Two Period Three Honesty Lyvia Isaiah Alex Drew Brandon Will Talon Cullen Maxine Joe Brianna Rachael B John Gabe Nina Bayley Love and Marriage Janetta Laura Allan Michael Tamaki Tanner Jordan F. Natalie Veronica Hailey R. Monica Kaylee Maddie Desi Kayla Society Saige Jordan Ben McKinley Josh Stephanie Kyle Neelam Hailey M. Pat S. Brett Emily Emahn Emma Jacob Morality Kannon Lauren Bryan Kaehale Taylor Alisa Alex Jordan K Jake Matt T. Jake Janna Trevor Cooper Grayson Decadence Miranda Makayla Nick Fatima Julian Ryan Yssa Anna Keilani Lauren Ashton Alexa Alec Tyler Rio

8 Review Findings One student from each group will share the group’s overall summation of how the act handles each topic.

9 Wrap Up Think back to the structure of the comedy (look at your notes if you don’t remember). Based on what you know about each of the topics, predict whether the how the topics are handled will change throughout the rest of Act I, and then through the rest of the play. **You may create a bulleted list in your journal in order to address each of the topics.

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