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6th Grade Learning Target & Bell-Ringer

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Presentation on theme: "6th Grade Learning Target & Bell-Ringer"— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Grade Learning Target & Bell-Ringer
Friday, August 17th, 2018 6th Grade Learning Target & Bell-Ringer Learning Target: Today I will be able to determine the central idea of a story, so that I can discuss what it is about. Bell-Ringer: What a book is mostly about is called the ____________?

2 6th Grade Work Session Review of central idea
*How to find the main idea: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How Summarizing every paragraph ”What’s The Main Idea?” Worksheet Begin central idea reading and activity from work book

3 Define “main idea” in your own words on sticky note
Closing Define “main idea” in your own words on sticky note

4 7th Grade Learning Target & Bell-Ringer
Friday, August 17th, 2018 7th Grade Learning Target & Bell-Ringer Learning Target: Today I will make inferences from a text, to figure out what is happening in a story. Bell-Ringer: What does it mean to infer?

5 7th Grade Work Session Flocabulary “Read & Respond” for making inferences together Flocabulary “Quiz” together Making Inferences questions You may work with a partner Use UNWRAP

6 Define “inferencing” in your own words on sticky note
Closing Define “inferencing” in your own words on sticky note

7 8th Grade Learning Target & Bell-Ringer
Friday, August 17th, 2018 8th Grade Learning Target & Bell-Ringer Learning Target: I will be able to cite evidence from the text to better support my answers through writing. Bell-Ringer: Provide a sentence starter for how you might cite textual evidence in the RACE response.

8 Guided reading of Gate A-4
8th Grade Work Session Guided reading of Gate A-4 Answer the RACE responses correctly, with a focus on C

9 Closing Share examples of RACE response and discuss how to improve and what is good

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