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Kick off meeting for selected projects, Brussels 20th January 2015

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1 Kick off meeting for selected projects, Brussels 20th January 2015
U-SCORE Kick off meeting for selected projects, Brussels 20th January 2015 Anja Holmgren

2 Managing Urban Risks in Europe: Implementation of the City Disaster Resilience Scorecard (U-SCORE)
Submitted by: and the: Municipality of Amadora, Portugal Stoke-on-Trent City Council, United Kingdom Salford City Council, United Kingdom City of Jönköping, Sweden City of Arvika, Sweden in cooperation with the UK Cabinet office

3 Objectives of the project
Within the framework of the Making Cities Resilient Campaign, UNISDR is currently working with the private sector (IBM and AECOM) to develop a tool that not only measures cities’ resilience more in-depth, but also integrates disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and provides cities with concrete action plans. The UNISDR Disaster Resilience Scorecard is in the final stages of its development and in need for testing by local governments. The U-SCORE project would support five cities in conducting the UNISDR Disaster Resilience Scorecard. Besides the benefits that this provides to the cities, the Scorecard testing will provide recommendations for the tool itself. Furthermore, the pilot cities will become "master users" of the Scorecard and able share their experiences and expertise. Other European cities that desire to assess their disaster resilience can build on the outcome of this project through city-to-city exchanges.

4 Actions and means involved
Through the City Resilience Scorecard, each municipality will have an analysis of their disaster resilience capacity and a prototype resilience action plan. The cities will get support from their national civil protection authorities, UNISDR and from external technical experts, e.g. IBM/AECOM. Three European workshops will enable exchanges on the topics of disaster resilience and the Scorecard. The workshops will involve the municipal Scorecard coordinators, the national civil protection agencies and UNISDR. The means involved mainly consist in staff costs, technical support and travel costs.

5 Expected results 1. Each municipality involved in the project will have completed the City Disaster Resilience Scorecard. 2. Each municipality involved will produce a prototype disaster resilience action plan that includes multiple solutions and options that are cost effective and implementable. 3. Each municipality will provide feedback on improvements of the Scorecard. 4. A European learning and exchange opportunity between risk reduction experts is started. 5. Increased engagement and knowledge transfer to other cities/municipalities in Europe and worldwide.

6 Coordinator's contribution Beneficiaries' contribution
Coordinator n° Coordinator short name Total costs of the actions in € Coordinator's own contribution in € Amount of EC contribution requested in € CO MSB 91 027 22 757 68 271 Beneficiaries' contribution Assicated Beneficiary n° Beneficiary short name Beneficiary's own contribution in € AB1 UNISDR 71 442 17 861 53 582 AB2 ANPC 17 640 4 410 13 230 AB3 Amadora 24 704 6 176 18 528 AB4 Stoke-on-Trent 47 161 11 790 35 371 AB5 Salford 40 109 10 027 30 082 AB6 Jönköping 49 190 12 297 36 892 AB7 Arvika 35 138 8 785 26 354 TOTAL 71 346 Co-financers contribution: 0

7 Budget of the action BUDGET OF THE ACTION For information only
Part A: Eligible cost categories Rate % Part B: Financing Plan % of eligible costs Personnel Requested EC contribution 75,00% Travel and subsistence 48 045 Contribution of the Coordinator 22 757 6,05% Equipment Contribution of the Beneficiary (ies) 71 346 18,95% Sub-contracting / External assistance 79 676 Other sources of funding 0,00% Other direct costs 4 800 Expected direct revenues Indirect costs / overheads 7,00% 24 625 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS TOTAL For information only "In kind" contributions / costs not included in the budget

8 Workshops and the: Municipality of Amadora, Portugal
Startup workshop, Amadora, February 2015, 4000 EUR Mid-term workshop in Salford, september 2015, 4000 EUR Final workshop, Jönköping, 7-8 April 2016, EUR and the: Municipality of Amadora, Portugal Stoke-on-Trent City Council, United Kingdom Salford City Council, United Kingdom City of Jönköping, Sweden City of Arvika, Sweden in cooperation with the UK Cabinet office


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