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FROM Nature To Architecture

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1 FROM Nature To Architecture
Unit.4 FROM Nature To Architecture

2 Review Architecture Antoni Gaudi

3 Objectives 1. We will be able to comprehend the meaning of the words from the previous lesson. 2. We will be able to read an interview about Antoni Gaudi and answer comprehension questions.

4 Post-it Game

5 Post-it Game (worksheet 1)
Make a group. Complete the task with your members (Match the meaning with proper words.) After you finish, one of the group members come to the front and attach the post-it to the proper meaning cards.

6 Pair work

7 Role-play Interviewer Interviewee (Gaudi)
1. Let’s start by talking about your childhood. What were you like when you were young ? 2. So that’s why nature has had such a great influence on your designs. Gaudi: I guess so. For example, the lines in my buildings are not straight but soft and wavy. You know, lines we see in nature are not straight.

8 Role-play Interviewer Interviewee (Gaudi)
3. Other than nature, what has had a big influence on you? 4. I see. Now let me ask you about Casa Mila. The house is entirely made of natural stone, and its outside looks like the flowing waves of the sea. It’s kind of house we might see in a fairy tale. Gaudi: Do you think so? Well, I didn’t want to build a typical house, but maybe my design was too different. People didn’t like Casa Mila when it was first built.

9 Role-play Interviewer Interviewee (Gaudi)
5. Now let’s talk about your special relationship with the Guell family. You’ve built Park Guell and many buildings for them, haven’t you? Gaudi: Yes. Mr. Guell has been very generous to me. Thanks to him, I was able to build what I wanted to build without worrying about money. 6. Finally, let me ask you about La Sagrada Familia, the church you’ve been working on for more than 40 years. Why is it taking so long to complete? Gaudi: One reason for the delay is my poor health, but I’m doing my best.

10 Role-play Interviewer interviewee
7. Thank you for the interview, Mr. Gaudi, and I hope things will go well with La Sagrada Familia. Gaudi: Thank you, and I hope that it’ll be a place where everybody can come to find peace. I also hope that I’ll be remembered for my buildings in Barcelona.

11 Let’s read! Open your book to page 71.

12 T/F QUESTIONS 1. Gaudi was often sick when he was young. ( T / F ) 2. The lines in Gaudi’s buildings are straight. ( T / F ) 3. Gaudi wanted to be an architect when he was young. ( T / F ) 4. One reason of the delay of buildings was Gaudi’s poor health. ( T / F ) 5. Casa mila is the kind of house we might see in a city.

13 Homework Textbook p.76

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