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Writing and Reflections

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1 Writing and Reflections
Biography and Autobiography By Gayle Gordon

2 Brain Functions

3 Differences between biography and and autobiography
Author uses third-person point of view. Author does extensive research about subject. Writing tends to be objective. Writing is based on research and informed speculation. Author uses first-person point of view. Author writes about own experiences. Writing tends to be subjective and personal. Writing is based on first-hand knowledge.

4 Examples Biography Autobiography
At the age of fifteen, Kelly began to attend Porter High School. During one of her drama classes, she met Anne Davis, and together they formed what would eventually become one of the most famous comedy duos, The Flappers. When Kelly first started Porter High School, she was nervous. Kelly didn’t know anyone at the school because her family had just moved. Meeting Anne must have been fate. We had such fun in drama class and worked so well together, Kelly told her we should try to form a comedy group.

5 Points to remember ! Read each of the following sentences, and decide whether it refers to a biography or an autobiography. _____________— Author uses first or third person point of view. _____________— Author has done extensive research about subject. _____________— Author uses third-person point of view. _____________— Author uses firsthand knowledge. Autobiography Biography Biography Autobiography

6 Why write in 3rd person Writing an autobiography is a way for a person to sell themselves. To tell people about your achievements and what you have done in your life so far. It is important to write an autobiography in the third person, since this creates a more professional, objective. Remember the reader

7 8 Important Tips Take time to collect and consolidate all the information, and records of your previous experience and achievements. Remind yourself of what you have done and what your feelings were about these experiences. Remember to include all awards you have received, and any talents you may hold. This is the most professional, objective way to write. Read texts at the beginning of books, which talk about the author in the third person to get an idea of the tone and tense you should be using; "he" should be used instead of "I.” Writing in present tenses well as writing your autobiography in third person it should also be written in the present tense; for example "James currently works as a writer." This will give your autobiography a personal touch.

8 Advanatges of a autobiography
One can write exact and accurate details of what occurred in their life or what is occurring in their life. A personal autobiography captures the writer’s truth. Nobody knows themselves like the person who's writing it. It’s an opportunity to examine the events of one’s life on paper. Helps a person understand themselves. Writing about your own life can be enjoyable or maddening at times but in the end it is hoped to bring us some understanding and peace.

9 Don’ts Don’t use names of living people without their permission.
Don’t write details of things you did that were illegal unless the statute of limitations has run out or you already paid for your transgression. Don’t take too long to tell one story.  1500 words more ore less is a good amount for one account. Self editing isn’t for sissy’s so if you have a fellow writer or friend who is willing to be honest take them up on it or you can pay for an editor to review your work and cut away the dead wood. If it isn’t the right time for you to face some aspects of your life, DON’T!   Do this when you are strong not when you are feeling less that you should to confront your past.

10 Do’s Write from the heart; if your story is true but lacks heart nobody will benefit from it.  Heart requires bravery and honesty.  Perhaps the hardest person to be honest with is ourselves. Use historical events in the back ground.  You can find timelines that will help you know what important events shaped your life. Reread your own writing.  Put it away for a while and reread and rewrite it as many times as it takes. ..

11 Personality Profile Places you have visited Birthplace Experiences
Skills and attitudes Personality and strengths Habits Goals Values Passions Your name

12 Professional Autobiography
Select a minimum of four of the personal traits and start writing your own autobiography Write 3rd person Refer back to the Personality Profiles Sharing

13 Thank you for your participation and attention !

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