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CIS work programme 2010-2012 Supporting the implementation of the first river basin management plans Water Directors' Meeting 30 November and 1 December.

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Presentation on theme: "CIS work programme 2010-2012 Supporting the implementation of the first river basin management plans Water Directors' Meeting 30 November and 1 December."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS work programme 2010-2012 Supporting the implementation of the first river basin management plans
Water Directors' Meeting 30 November and 1 December 2009

2 Earlier agreements Key objectives:
Simplification Direct relevance for implementation WFD, GWD, EQS D, FD Better dissemination Agreement on main activities and organisational issues of future CIS work programme Working Groups: permanent group, subgroups possible Expert Groups: temporal group Ad hoc activities: one-off activity / workshop (nomination per event)

3 CIS Organisation 2010-2012 Water Directors
Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission Strategic Co-ordination Group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission Art. 21 Committee Permanent Working Groups Temporary Expert Groups Working Group A “Ecological Status” Lead: JRC, DE, UK Working Group D “Reporting” Lead: DG ENV, EEA,FR Working Group F “Floods” Lead: DG ENV, IE “Climate Change and Water” Lead: DE, DG ENV “Agriculture and Water” Lead: FR, UK Working Group C “Groundwater” Lead: DG ENV, AT Working Group E “Chemical Aspects” Lead: DG ENV, SE, JRC, IT,FR “Water scarcity &droughts” Lead: IT/ES/FR

4 State of Play No or only editorial changes after SCG:
WG C Groundwater WG D Reporting and WISE WG F Floods EG Climate Change Changes in line with discussions at SCG and comments received after SCG WG A Ecological Status WG E Chemical Aspects EG Water Scarcity and Droughts EG Agriculture Ad hoc activity Biodiversity Ad hoc activity Science Policy Interface Ad hoc activity Economics

5 Points of attention Ad hoc activities on Biodiversity and Economics:
Invitation to appoint MS representatives to contribute to preparation of workshops – also to host the workshops Letter EC on Biodiversity and Water: Proposal for future joint meeting of Water and Nature Directors and suggestions / comments for FAQ Paper Number of workshops in CIS work programme

6 Workshops Ad hoc activities: 2010 Economics, Biodiversity 2011/2012: Hydromorphology, Exemptions WG A: Info exchange on comparability of classification methods – tbd WG C: no topic identified, but possibility is mentioned WG D: WISE-GIS - tbd WG F: 2-3 thematic workshops each year 2010: Flood risk management plans, Flash floods, Economics EG Climate Change: one workshop per year – tbd EG Agriculture: one workshop per year – tbd All workshop outlines will be presented to the SCG for agreement

7 Better dissemination For period 2010-2012:
Circa access to local, regional, national administrators Restructuring Circa Meeting calendar extended, public and regularly updated Summaries per activity

8 Request to Water Directors
Discuss and agree Work Programme including Mandates for 5 Working Groups Mandates for 3 Expert groups Outline for 3 ad hoc activities Agree that work programme with annexed mandates (excluding outlines ad hoc activities) are made available to the public

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