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Greg’ Data Collection Sheet

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1 Greg’ Data Collection Sheet
American Freedom Thematic Essay #1

2 Freedom in America Thematic Essay #1
DATA COLLECTION SHEET Religious Freedom = Argument: Evidence (be sure to include, if possible, name of text, author, date and page number): Many Europeans traveled to the “New World” in search of religious freedom, but the communities they built in British North America were far from “religiously tolerant.” to advance the inLargement of Christian Religio to the Glory of God Almighty” (Charter of NE, 1620) The ability for an individual or community, in public or private to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance without discrimination.

3 Freedom in America Thematic Essay #1
DATA COLLECTION SHEET Economic Freedom = Argument: Evidence (be sure to include, if possible, name of text, author, date and page number): Following the economic principle known as mercantilism, England regulated colonial trade so that the most valuable colonial product, such as tobacco and sugar were only transported in English ships and sold in English ports. Goods grown, produced, or manufactured in the colonies could only be “shipped, carried, conveyed or transported” to land that “belong[ed] to his Majesty.” (The Navigation Act of 1660) The King of England and Parliament had to the “right of imposing duties and taxes upon his Majesty’s subjects in the said colonies and plantations.” (Declaratory Act of 1766) The ability to have a stable source of financial income that allows for access to basic needs pertaining to health, education, housing and protection.

4 Freedom in America Thematic Essay #1
DATA COLLECTION SHEET Economic Freedom = Argument: Evidence (be sure to include, if possible, name of text, author, date and page number): Access to land played many roles – basis of liberty, gave men control over their own labor, and the right to vote. And yet, only a small fraction of the colonial population in British N.A. owned some wealth and property. The ability to have a stable source of financial income that allows for access to basic needs pertaining to health, education, housing and protection.

5 Freedom in America Thematic Essay #1
DATA COLLECTION SHEET Personal Freedom = Argument: Evidence (be sure to include, if possible, name of text, author, date and page number): Within families, men exercised authority over their wives and children. As the man is the head of the woman, so is Christ the head of the Church.” (Holy Bible, New Testament) By 1775, approx. 500,000 slaves lived in Britain’s mainland colonies. Slavery existed in every colony in N.A. The ability to have control over one’s body and personal property as long as they do not infringe upon the right sof others.

6 Freedom in America Thematic Essay #1
DATA COLLECTION SHEET Personal Freedom = Argument: Evidence (be sure to include, if possible, name of text, author, date and page number): The ability to have control over one’s body and personal property as long as they do not infringe upon the right sof others.

7 Freedom in America Thematic Essay #1
DATA COLLECTION SHEET Political Freedom = Argument: What conclusion can I make about the level of freedom in colonial America? Evidence (be sure to include, if possible, name of text, author, date and page number): Once in America, the colonists were not free to establish their own government or set of laws, but rather remained “subjects” of the British monarchy. Living in a colony meant your were under full or partial control of another country. “…Whereas, upon the humble Petition of our well disposed subjects, that intend to establish a colony in…America.” (Charter of Massachusetts Bay, issued by King James I of England in 1629). The ability for citizens or members of a country or political entity to participate equally in the proposal, development, and creation of laws – to criticize government without fear.

8 Freedom in America Thematic Essay #1
DATA COLLECTION SHEET Political Freedom = Argument: What conclusion can I make about the level of freedom in colonial America? Evidence (be sure to include, if possible, name of text, author, date and page number): The ability for citizens or members of a country or political entity to participate equally in the proposal, development, and creation of laws – to criticize government without fear.

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