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Welcome to English 2! Ms. Kelly

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to English 2! Ms. Kelly"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to English 2! Ms. Kelly

2 Procedures and Class Rules
Attendance Materials distribution Syllabus Class Rules Reading Plus Uniforms Technology

3 Icebreaker Activity Find Your Match! You will receive an index card with a name or phrase on it. Find someone else in the classroom whose card matches yours. For example, if your card says Bill Gates, look for someone with a card that says Microsoft or Windows. Sit with your partner and interview them! Ask the following questions: 1) What is your name? 2) What is your favorite book or genre? 3) What do you expect to learn in English this year? 4) Do you have any questions for Ms. Kelly? Jot down their answers on a piece of paper. When it is your turn, introduce your partner to the class!

4 Communication: How Important is Grammar?
The title of Unit 1 is Cultural Conversations. You just participated in an activity to initiate conversation among members of the class! After watching the video, answer the following question: In today’s technology-driven world, do you think it is important to know proper grammar? Why or why not?

5 Homework…it’s not so bad!
1) Make sure to show your parents the syllabus and have them sign it. 2) Bring in your materials next class for a homework credit! 3) Write a letter addressed to yourself, listing your goals for the upcoming school year. They can be personal, academic, or both. You will get them back in December to track your progress!

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