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Concentrations of CCF in DC-derived EV and DC culture supernatants.

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1 Concentrations of CCF in DC-derived EV and DC culture supernatants.
Concentrations of CCF in DC-derived EV and DC culture supernatants. (A) CCF concentrations in 10-μg EV preparations from different DC donors. maDC were generated as described in the Materials and Methods section from five different donors and analyzed for the indicated factors by multiplex technology (BioLegend). (B) Measurement of single factors in the EV pellet and the respective culture supernatants to demonstrate the relative amount secreted through EV and directly into the supernatant. Note: measurements of factors used for the generation of DC generated aberrant results in the culture supernatant and were not reported. Stefan Schierer et al. LSA 2018;1:e © 2018 Schierer et al.

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