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2 ST—Sensing Thinking—GOLD
SF—Sensing Feeling—BLUE NT—Intuitive Thinking—GREEN NF—Intuitive Feeling--ORANGE

3 You will have a better chance of avoiding problem situations.
Knowing how you learn and how you relate to the world can help you make smarter decisions.

4 You will be more successful teaching.
Your learning style is your teaching style. You need to understand learning styles of children to help them learn.

5 You will be able to target areas where you need improvement.
Learn to deal with styles that may be different from yours.

6 Your Learning Style is an important part of self-knowledge.

7 GOLD—Sensing-Thinkers
Uses a syllabus Sets goals—outlines on the board Review sheets, repetition Notes Multiple Choice/Objective test Worksheets Rules /Guidelines Structure in class Grading scale—detailed Outlines All work worth Points Seats are in rows—usually alphabetical, but at least a seating chart

8 Gold Organization and efficiency
Fast-paced practical learning activities Tasks and data over people Will accomplish things quickly, but may offend or alienate others

9 Gold “Movers and Shakers” Sense of “I-ness” and in control
Actively doing, competitive Learn best by mastery, success, repetition Work alone with deadlines and parameters

10 BLUE—Sensing-Feelers
Flexible seating Student led lessons Personal stories—how it relates to them personally Group activities Share feelings both written and verbal Creative expressions Guidelines are open to interpretation Instant constructive feedback Encouragement Monitor group progress Uses the word “Who” in questioning

11 Blue Emotionally involved in learning
Personal attention and reassurance Cooperation, not competition People over tasks and data May not accomplish things quickly, but will have a great time doing the work

12 Blue “People” People Sense of “We-ness” Like “networking”, group work
Learn best by personally relating to others

13 GREEN—Intuitive-Thinkers
Asks “Why” Uses problem-solving/hypothesizing Has meaningful activities—not just busywork Wants details or facts to prove/disprove theory Like journals or notes— What I learned What I think & Why What I don’t agree with or understand Independent research and study Debates

14 Green Independence, intellectual challenge
End product valued over deadlines or opinions Debate and hypothesizing May not accomplish things quickly, but will have thoroughly analyzed the lesson

15 Green Philosophers Sense of “I and thou-ness”
Likes to create patterns, meaning, logic, and organization Learn best by understanding how things fit together

16 ORANGE—Intuitive-Feelers
Write poem, song Draw a picture Lots of visual examples Animated lectures Open ended assignments Role Play Encourage brainstorming Make models Creative application of material/content Uses “What if…” hypothesis Creative problem solving

17 Orange Preference for the non-traditional
Beauty, symmetry, and aesthetics over practicality Intuitive leaps – may miss details Hard to keep focused, easily distracted, interested in everything Less likely to complete a task unless a picture, diagram, or illustration is involved

18 Orange Artists, Musicians Sense of global-ness
Multi-dimensional (spacey) thinking Non-conformity Creative, spontaneous, curious, imaginative

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