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Civilisation des Etats-Unis-4 The Population

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1 Civilisation des Etats-Unis-4 The Population
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France)

2 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 1 Background Information 314 millions = third-most populated country cycles of population increase: - massive immigration until 1920s - moderate growth between wars (quota, Great Depression) - increase after war: “baby boomers” - diminish after mid-sixties Life expectancy 77 years, less for blacks - half of growth is immigration - ethnic minorities grow faster

3 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 2 Distribution and Inner Migrations - unevenly populated: cities, farms, prairies, deserts, mountains… - average density = 25 inhabitants/km2 - low: Montana, Wyoming 3 per sq. km - high: NJ, RI, MA about 600 per sq. km History: eastern seaboard, Great Lakes, rivers 1970s: sunbelt states (air conditioning) - Northeast 18%; Midwest 24%; South 36%; West 22% - center of gravity: 1790 Baltimore, ML; Cincinnati, OH; today Missouri (MS) - biggest states: NY (18 mio.); CA (34); TX (20); FL (15) - suburbia vs. derelict inner cities, ghettos (e.g. Detroit)


5 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 3 An Aging Population - trend started in 1960s 1900: 1/25 is 65 years old 1997: 1/8 = 13% of population 2030: 20%? - median age rises: today: 35 years; 2030: 42 = “baby bust” cycle - higher fertility of minorities - skyrocketing health care costs (baby boomers retiring)


7 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 4 New Family Patterns - only 20% traditional family patterns (1950s-type housewife)  60% women work - typically, both parents work, fewer children - single-headed families, mostly mothers: average 1/4; 1/2 for blacks (!); 1/7 for whites; 1/8 Asians; 1/4 Hispanics - more single persons: 51% marry; 70% in sixties 50% divorce rate - more cohabitation - teenage pregnancies: 9% (15-19 years old) = 10x France (!)  blacks, Hispanics, way to poverty - “feminization of poverty”

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