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Ready to create a culture of data use?

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Presentation on theme: "Ready to create a culture of data use?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ready to create a culture of data use?
Denise Denise Mauzy Gary Harmon October 4, 2018

2 Housekeeping Items All attendees are muted.
Audio on your computer- you may mute or unmute using the microphone button at the top of your panel Phone option-select *6 on your phone to unmute your line This webinar will be recorded. You received a handout for this webinar: Data Culture Toolkit Tip Sheet We will you an evaluation link after the webinar closes. Denise

3 Define and provide context for data culture
Session Objectives Define and provide context for data culture Introduce Data Culture Toolkit Denise

4 Data Culture What is data culture? Vision Collaboration Modeling
Accountability Beliefs Commitment Modeling What is data culture? Data Culture Denise Strong data culture results when an organization believes in continuous improvement and regularly puts that belief into practice. Schools and districts that have strong data cultures emphasize collaboration as a keystone for success and they empower teachers (providers) and administrators (program leaders) to make decisions for which they will be held accountable. Elements of a strong data culture include commitment, vision, beliefs, accountability, collaboration, modeling, and commitment to ongoing instructional and programmatic improvements.

5 “Culture does not change because we desire to change it
“Culture does not change because we desire to change it. Culture changes when the organization is transformed; the culture reflects the realities of people working together every day.” – Frances Hesselbein

6 What ingredients do you need?
Data Culture Product (20%) Process (30%) People (50%) Denise

7 Data Culture Toolkit
Gary (4-5 minutes per section) Pull up the toolkit exploration sheet and review how it can help. Does not have to happen sequentially. Toggle through each of the sections…referencing questions on the handout. Talk about the format---blue text, navigation, similar structure. (If you are familiar with other toolkits ---exp data viz—you will know how to navigate this.) Ask questions and answer questions as we go through. Feel free to open up toolkit or follow through with us. If you have a way that this is useful…please offer it. Post questions in the chat. We will limit the time in each section to me mindful of time. We would love to get your input. All resources plus other applicable resources are the end. -Gary to do intro---spend a few minutes on the infographic and the fact that building your team is the foundation and then you really move into the cyclical process—address who the toolkit is intended for and the broader applicability -Gary to do resources tile—mention whale blog -Denise to do teaming- Throw out the name of a data team you sit on in the context of your duties…state or local…. Review the 4 subtiles and focus on the teaming plan and worksheet Now that you have seen this worksheet? How/when might you use this? If silence, then throw out some ideas. -Denise to do assess tile—go through tile.—can you see how this would work with state and local?---talk more about how this should look familiar and how you will use it. Gary to do the two remaining tiles Critical Questions- consensus building, prioritizing input from stakeholders, mention subset for locals Assess Data Quality– In general what area/dataset might you focus on your state or local area in terms of data quality---any specific data quality area??? Maybe transition? Other areas? Does everyone (data team members, stakeholders, local staff) understand how to glean insights and actionable steps from data? Do staff act on data or regularly share learnings from data? Is data stored in a way that reporting can be done across the organization?

8 Final Thoughts/Need Support?
Contact Denise Mauzy at for questions or assistance

9 Stay Connected! Visit the DaSy website at:
Like us on Facebook: Follow us on

10 Thank you The contents of this tool and guidance were developed under grants from the U.S. Department of Education, #H326P and #H326P However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officers: Meredith Miceli, Richelle Davis, and Julia Martin Eile. Instructions to presenters: This slide is to be included as the last slide in your deck but you are not expected to show it to the audience. Please be sure to delete these instructions from this slide’s notes page in your presentation.

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