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Creator, José J. González, Jr.,

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1 Creator, José J. González, Jr.,
Illustration essay Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."(Abraham Lincoln, ) Creator, José J. González, Jr., Spring 2002

2 What does the word Illustration mean?
The dictionary meaning “ to clarify by use of examples, comparisons or the like.” Creator, José J. González, Jr., Spring 2002

3 More detailed definition
An illustration essay provides an explanation of a general principle or idea by using a number of well-chosen examples. Creator, José J. González, Jr., Spring 2002

4 Some sample topics for an illustration essay. . .
Honesty is the best policy. Teaching is a demanding profession. Traveling is the best medicine. (In an illustration essay you would take one of these topics and demonstrate or show through examples, facts, anecdotes or personal experiences how this is true. ) Creator, José J. González, Jr., Spring 2002

5 Creator, José J. González, Jr.,
Picking a topic! Remember that in picking a topic, you need to pick a topic that you know something about. This will help you greatly. Creator, José J. González, Jr., Spring 2002

6 Let’s look at some sample illustrative writing
Example Illustrative Paragraph Most would agree that mothers sacrifice a great deal for their young. This can even be seen in the spider world. Wolf spiders lug around their unborn babies in a sac under their abdomen until they hatch. The mother will even hunt with the egg sac attached. Creator, José J. González, Jr., Spring 2002

7 Let’s look at some sample illustrative writing
Once the babies are born, they crowd on to her back. Most wolf spiders hatch dozens of babies! The mother will then carry them on her back for a few weeks until they are ready to survive alone, making her a large target. Although human children are cared for much longer than baby wolf spiders, mama wolf spiders still give up quite a bit for their young. Creator, José J. González, Jr., Spring 2002

8 Mama _com_mamaspider. Online image. <

9 Assignment: Write an illustration paragraph on an interesting quote!
Creator, José J. González, Jr., Spring adapted 2010 by Karen Conner for Eng 085

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