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Spallation Neutron Source (Dongguan)
Employee: ~ 1500 Students: ~ 400 Visitors: ~ 400 Budget:~ 1.4 B RMB/year Theoretical Physics Spallation Neutron Source (Dongguan) Computer center Applied tech. center Experimental Physics Astroparticle physics Accelerator Physics Multi-discipline research
Mega-science Facilities
IHEP serves as the backbone of China’s mega-science facilities In operation Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII) Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII) Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Observatory: ASg Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment Under construction China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) High Energy Photon Source -Test Facility (HEPS-TF) Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope(HXMT) Accelerator-driven Sub-critical System (ADS) Jiangmen Neutrino Underground Observatory (JUNO) Under planning HEPS, LHAASO, HERD, CEPC-SPPC…
1) Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPC)
The staring point of Particle Physics in China is the construction of BEPC in late 80’s Upgrade of BEPC (BEPCII) is completed in It leads IHEP to be one of the most active HEP centers in the world.
BEPCII/BESIII: Operational since 2009
ADONE BEPCII CESRc BEPC SPEAR DORIS I e+e- collider at tau-charm BEPCII luminosity reached its design parameters of 1×1033cm-2s-1 at an energy of 1.89 GeV on April 12, 2016.
BESIII Example: Discovery of Zc (3900)
> 8 Y(4260) +-J/ A charged charmonium state: 4 quarks ! M = (3899.0±3.6±4.9) MeV = (46±10±20) MeV Opens a new way to fully understand XYZ particles PRL110, (2013)
BESIII International Collaboration
EUROPE (14) Germany: Univ. of Bochum, Univ. of Giessen, GSI,Mainz,HIM Russia: JINR, Dubna; BINP, Novosibirsk Italy: INFN, Univ. of Torino, Frascati Lab, Ferrara Univ. Netherland:KVI/Univ. of Groningen Sweden: Uppsala Univ. Turkey: Turkey Accelerator Center Mongolia (1) NEE US (6) Univ. of Hawaii Univ. of Washington Carnegie Mellon Univ. Univ. of Minnesota Univ. of Rochester Univ. of Indiana Korea (1) Souel Nat. Univ. China(38) IHEP, CCAST, Shandong Univ., Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China Zhejiang Univ., Huangshan Coll. Huazhong Normal Univ., Wuhan Univ. Zhengzhou Univ., Henan Normal Univ.Peking Univ., Tsinghua Univ. , Zhongshan Univ.,Nankai Univ., Shanxi Univ., Sichuan Univ., Suzhou Uni., Hangzhou Normal Uni., Hunan Univ., Liaoning Univ. Henan Uni. of Sci. & Tech.,Nanjing Univ., Nanjing Normal Univ. Guangxi Normal Univ., Guangxi Univ. Hong Univ., Hong Kong Chinese Univ. Beijing Institute of Petro-chemical Technology, Southeast University, Sun Yat-sen Uni., University of Science and Technology Liaoning Japan (1) Tokyo Univ. Pakistan (2) Univ. of Punjab COMSAT CIIT 63 institutions ~ 400 collaborators India (1) IIT
The Future: CEPC+SppC A project after BEPCII
Thanks to the discovery of the low mass Higgs boson, and stimulated by ideas of Circular Higgs Factories in the world, CEPC+SppC configuration was proposed in Sep LTB : Linac to Booster BTC : Booster to Collider Ring BTC IP1 IP2 e+ e- e+ e- Linac (240m) LTB CEPC Collider Ring(50Km) Booster(50Km) Medium Energy Booster(4.5Km) Low Energy Booster(0.4Km) IP4 IP3 SppC Collider Ring(50Km) Proton Linac (100m) High Energy Booster(7.2Km)
2)Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
In March 2012, Daya Bay reported the measurement: Sin22q13 = 0.016(stat) 0.005(syst) Probability of non-zero q s F.P. An et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012) citations > 1600
3) JUNO Overburden ~ 700 m Daya Bay NPP Taishan NPP Yangjiang NPP
Huizhou NPP Lufeng NPP 53 km Hong Kong Macau Guang Zhou Shen Zhen Zhu Hai 2.5 h drive Overburden ~ 700 m Kaiping, Jiang Men city, Guangdong Province
4) China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Civil construction May 2012, first beam @Nov. 2017
CSNS-I CSNS-II Beam power (kW) 100 500 Repetition rate (Hz) 25 # of Target 1 current (A) 62.5 312 beam energy (GeV) 1.6 Linac energy (MeV) 80 250 Site: Dongguan, Guangdong
Birds View of CSNS May 11, 2016
5) Accelerator Driven Subcritical System (ADS)
First 325MHz CW RFQ and its power source successfully commissioned. ADS Injector I Proton Beam Reaches 14 low-b SC spoke cavities: on June 17, 2016 注入器 II 注入器 I
6) Technology Transfer —— A Mission of IHEP
High-end Nuclear Medical Equipment Breast-dedicated PEMi and SPEMi scanners, Micro SPECT/CT scanner , Micro PET/CT scanner Detection and Security Check Equipment Three-dimensional microscope CT, High energy industrial CT, Gamma ray imaging device Compact Accelerators Electron accelerators for industrial radiation processing, Medical accelerator, Accelerator based ray source Magnet-related Equipment De-ironing separator, Superconducting magnet separator, MRI device, superconducting magnet
7)Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF)
5 Wigglers, 4 bending magnets 14 beamlines 15 end-stations Dedicated mode: 2.5GeV/250mA Parasitic mode: depending on HEP Beamtime: ~2000 hrs/year Proposals: ~500/year Users: ~1800/year Papers: ~300/year An important experimental platform in north of China. “Despite its limitations, the BSRF experimental station completed in 2002 has provided an excellent technological platform for structural genomics research.” Prof. Zhihe Rao in “History of protein crystallography in China”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2007) 362, 1035–1042
BSRF Research Highlights
Structure of a spinach light-harvester Metal-free efficient photocatalyst for stable visible water splitting SCIENCE, 2015, 347(6225), Prof. Kang Zhenhui, Soochow University A new type of photocatalyst, a metal-free carbon nanodot–carbon nitride (C3N4) nanocomposite was reported, which comprises low-cost, Earth-abundant, environmentally friendly materials and shows excellent stability over 200 days. NATURE (2004), 428, 287 Dr. Wenrui Chang, IBP The first X-ray structure of LHC-II in icosahedral proteoliposome assembly at atomic detail.
8) High Energy Photon Source
6GeV SR facility Low emmitance: 0.06nm·rad ~1300m storage ring 48-7BA lattice Brilliance: >1022phs/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1BW
9) CMB observatory in Ali, Tibet
Approved in 2016 North hemisphere: providing possibility for realizing the whole sky coverage altitude 5100m
Yangbajing International Cosmic Ray Observatory
10) From ASg/ARGO to Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) Cosmic-rays physics and g-ray astronomy Altitude ~ 4410 Sichuan International collaboration: China, France, Italy, Thailand (Mahidol U.)… Start construction: 2016 Yangbajing International Cosmic Ray Observatory (ASg/ARGO) LHAASO观测基地 装配大厅 S217 Sichuan 2019/5/4
11) Current Space Program
ME LE HE Hard X-ray Modulated Telescope (HXMT): Total mass:1021kg; Power: 350 W to be launched in 2017 Space Variable Object Monitor (SVOM) Redefined program: On board Chinese spacecraft A collaboration of China and France to be launched in 2021 Gamma-ray Burst Polarization (POLAR): onboard China’s Spacelab: TG-2 An international collaboration: China, Switzerland, France, Poland Launched time: Sep. 15, 2016
High Energy cosmic Radiation Detection (HERD) @ the China’s Space Station
Science Dark matter search: γ from 0.1 – 10,000 GeV Spectral and composition measurements of CRs between 300 GeV to PeV Complementary to LHAASO: directly measured composition & spectrum in space Next generation cosmic-ray exp. after AMS & Fermi Status Groups from China,Italy,Switzerland,Sweden,… Launch in ~2023 X0(λ) ∆E/E for e e/p sep e GF 200GeV p GF HERD (2020) 55(3) 1% 10-6 3.1 2.3 Fermi (2008) 10 12% 10-3 0.9 -- AMS02 (2011) 17 2% 0.12 DAMPE (2015) 31 10-4 0.3 CREAM (2015) 20(1.5) 0.2 21
Enjoy NNN16!
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