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Now you’ve got it!.

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1 Now you’ve got it!

2 Educator Enhancement Academy ELA, Grades 2 Day 2
Ashley Gunnoe – Title 1, Wirt County Carrie Cronin – 2nd Grade Teacher, Ritchie County Charles Thomas – Academic Coach, Calhoun County

3 See, Think, Wonder After doing it many times, you can have the students write questions for the wonder section. You can have the students work collaboratively to sort the questions.

4 Book Pass One book per student Many genres Book Pass form
Timer—1 minute per book Use for reference Read at least 10 minutes each day ../../Downloads/Book%20Pass.doc

5 We MUST… Provide opportunity for self-selected reading DAILY
Model self-selected reading Find reason and purpose to share reading Protect time by avoiding “activity” while reading (post-its)

6 Without Fail… Daily chapter book read-aloud from the 4-5 grade band
Rich language Appendix B, a resource NOT a reading list

7 Learning requires: Acquisition Meaning Making Transfer
Begin learning knowledge and skills Students are given opportunity to actively construct understandings Using the skills and knowledge to do other things with increased rigor Support and More Study: UbD in a Nutshell by Jay McTighe

8 Rigor and Relevance Framework
T A X O N M Y Creating 6 5 4 3 2 1 C Assimilation D Adaptation Evaluating Analyzing Applying A Acquisition B Application Understanding Remembering Apply across disciplines Apply to real world predictable situations Apply to real-world unpredictable situations Knowledge Apply in discipline APPLICATION MODEL

9 Consider: Are you acquiring, meaning making, or transferring?

10 Four Claims of SMARTER Balanced Assessment
Students can read closely and analytically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts. Students can produce effective and well-grounded writing for a range of purposes and audiences. Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences. Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics and to analyze, integrate, and present information.

11 How does what we did in our “student” sessions align to claims?

12 Summative Assessment






18 Smarter Balanced assesses nothing in the first two columns.

19 Genres of Writing WV writes will not be used. The 5 step writing process will no longer be used. Teach them to write not only formal text, but s and text messages. (Text Complexity, Text Dependent Questioning, Text Dependent Writing) Writing will be mostly opinion based (Deleware rubric for writing – text based rubrics) New genres of writing on the elementary level = 30% persuasive, 35% to explain, 35% to convey experience. *All writing starts with a focus question, close reading, focus statement in response to the focusing question, listening and speaking skills *Inhale exhale (reading writing) leads to thinking cognitively *Good writing comes from good reading *Write and Think raises cognitive rigor

20 Writing Rubrics


22 Narrative Writing


24 Tools to Help You Grow Common Core Learning







31 EBSCO/Grolier Log-in: WEST Password: VIRGINIA




35 Additional Resources Edmodo Engage NY

36 Other Books to Consider


38 Learning requires: Acquisition Meaning Making Transfer
Begin learning knowledge and skills Students are given opportunity to actively construct understandings Using the skills and knowledge to do other things with increased rigor Support and More Study: UbD in a Nutshell by Jay McTighe

39 Collaboration Time! Use your basal, along with Edmodo and EBSCO.
Collaborate with your table to find an anchor text and correlating text sets to use in your classroom. If time allows, begin creating text dependent questions to use with your anchor text.

40 Contact Information Ashley- Charles- Carrie-

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