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Selected Problems in Dynamics: Stability of a Spinning Body -and- Derivation of the Lagrange Points John F. Fay June 24, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Selected Problems in Dynamics: Stability of a Spinning Body -and- Derivation of the Lagrange Points John F. Fay June 24, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selected Problems in Dynamics: Stability of a Spinning Body -and- Derivation of the Lagrange Points
John F. Fay June 24, 2014

2 Outline Stability of a Spinning Body Derivation of the Lagrange Points
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3 Stability of a Spinning Body
Euler’s Second Law: (good for an inertial coordinate system) Problem: Inertia matrix “I” of a rotating body changes in an inertial coordinate system Moments of Torque Angular Velocity Inertia Matrix

4 Euler’s Second Law (2) In a body-fixed coordinate system:
Inertia Matrix: Describes distribution of mass on the body Moments of Torque Angular Velocity Inertia Matrix

5 Euler’s Second Law (3) Planes of Symmetry: For a freely-spinning body:
x-y plane: Ixz = Iyz = 0 x-z plane: Ixy = Iyz = 0 y-z plane: Ixz = Ixz = 0 For a freely-spinning body:

6 Euler’s Second Law (4) Rigid body: Do the matrix multiplication:
“I” matrix is constant in body coordinates Do the matrix multiplication:

7 Euler’s Second Law (5) Do the cross product: Result:

8 Euler’s Second Law (6) As scalar equations:

9 Small Perturbations: Assume a primary rotation about one axis:
Remaining angular velocities are small

10 Small Perturbations (2)

11 Small Perturbations (3)
Linearize: Neglect products of small quantities

12 Small Perturbations (4)
Combine the last two equations: switched

13 Small Perturbations (4)
Combine the last two equations:

14 Small Perturbations (4)
Combine the last two equations:

15 Small Perturbations (5)
Case 1: Ixx > Iyy, Izz or Ixx < Iyy, Izz: Sinusoidal solutions for , Rotation is stable

16 Small Perturbations (6)
Case 2: Izz > Ixx > Iyy or Izz < Ixx < Iyy: Hyperbolic solutions for , Rotation is unstable

17 Numerical Solution Body Coordinates Ixx = 1.0 Iyy = 0.5 Izz = 0.7

18 Numerical Solution (2) Global Coordinates
Ixx = 1.0 Iyy = 0.5 Izz = 0.7

19 Numerical Solution (3) Body Coordinates Ixx = 1.0 Iyy = 1.2 Izz = 2.0

20 Numerical Solution (4) Global Coordinates
Ixx = 1.0 Iyy = 1.2 Izz = 2.0

21 Numerical Solution (5) Body Coordinates Ixx = 1.0 Iyy = 0.8 Izz = 1.2

22 Numerical Solution (6) Global Coordinates
Ixx = 1.0 Iyy = 0.8 Izz = 1.2

23 Spinning Body: Summary
Rotation about axis with largest inertia: Stable Rotation about axis with smallest inertia: Stable Rotation about axis with in-between inertia: Unstable

24 Derivation of the Lagrange Points
Two-Body Problem: Lighter body orbiting around a heavier body (Let’s stick with a circular orbit) Actually both bodies orbit around the barycenter x y W m M D

25 Two-Body Problem (2) Rotating reference frame:
Origin at barycenter of two-body system Angular velocity matches orbital velocity of bodies Bodies are stationary in the rotating reference frame x y m D W M

26 Two-Body Problem (3) Force Balance: Body “M” Body “m”
Centrifugal Force Gravitational Force y W xM(<0) xm D x m M

27 Two-Body Problem (4) Parameters: Unknowns:
M – mass of large body m – mass of small body D – distance between bodies Unknowns: xM – x-coordinate of large body xm – x-coordinate of small body W – angular velocity of coordinate system Three equations, three unknowns

28 In case anybody wants to see the math …

29 Two-Body Problem (5) Solutions: y W xM(<0) xm D x m M

30 Lagrange Points Points at which net gravitational and centrifugal forces are zero Gravitational attraction to body “M” Gravitational attraction to body “m” Centrifugal force caused by rotating coordinate system y (x,y) W x m M

31 Lagrange Points (2) Sum of Forces: particle at (x,y) of mass “m ”
x-direction: y-direction:

32 Lagrange Points (3) Simplifications: Divide by mass “m” of particle
Substitute for “W2” and divide by “G”

33 Lagrange Points (4) Qualitative considerations: m M
Far enough from the system, centrifugal force will overwhelm everything else Net force will be away from the origin Close enough to “M”, gravitational attraction to that body will overwhelm everything else Close enough to “m”, gravitational attraction to that body will overwhelm everything else m M

34 Lagrange Points (5) Qualitative considerations (2) m M
Close to “m” but beyond it, the attraction to “m” will balance the centrifugal force  search for a Lagrange point there On the side of “M” opposite “m”, the attraction to “M” will balance the centrifugal force  search for a Lagrange point there Between “M” and “m” their gravitational attractions will balance  search for a Lagrange point there m M

35 Lagrange Points (6) Some Solutions:
Note that “y” equation is uniquely satisfied if y = 0 (but there may be nonzero solutions also)

36 Lagrange Points (7) Some Solutions: “x” equation when “y” is zero:
Note: ?

37 Lagrange Points (8) Oversimplification: Let “m” = 0 Solutions: xM = 0
Anywhere on the orbit of “m”

38 Lagrange Points (9) Perturbation: For the y = 0 case:

39 Lagrange Points (10) For the y = 0 case (cont’d):
Lagrange Points L1,L2: near x = D:

40 L1, L2: y = 0, x = D(1 + d) Collecting terms: Multiplying things out:

41 L1, L2 (2): y = 0, x = D(1 + d) Balancing terms: Linearizing:
Order of magnitude d3 Order of magnitude e

42 Lagrange Points (11) Lagrange Point L3: y = 0, near x = –D
Since |e |, |d | << 1 < 2:

43 L3: y = 0, x = –D(1 + d) Multiply out and linearize:

44 Lagrange Points (12) Summary for a Small Perturbation and y = 0:

45 Lagrange Points (13) What if y is not zero? y 2q x

46 Lagrange Points (14) Polar Coordinates: er eq y 2q x

47 Lagrange Points (15) Consider the forces in the R-direction: From M:
Centrifugal force:

48 R-direction Forces Simplify: From M: From m: Centrifugal force:

49 R-direction Forces (2) Linearize in d and e: From M: From m:
Centrifugal force:

50 R-direction Forces (3) Balance the Forces:

51 Lagrange Points (16) Consider the forces in the q-direction: From M:
Centrifugal force is completely radial

52 q-Direction Forces Simplify:

53 q-Direction Forces (2) Linearize in d and e:

54 q-Direction Forces (3) Simplifying further:

55 q-Direction Forces (4) Balance the two forces:

56 Lagrange Points (17) Solving for our radius:

57 Lagrange Points (13 redux)
What if y is not zero? y x

58 Lagrange Points (18): Summary for zero y: Between M and m: L1:
On the opposite side of m from M: L2: On the opposite side of M from m: L3:

59 Lagrange Points (19): Summary for nonzero y: Ahead of m in orbit: L4:
Behind m in orbit: L5:

60 Summary of Lagrange Points
(What is wrong with this picture?) (courtesy of Wikipedia, “Lagrange Points”)

61 Potential Energy Contours

62 Stability of Lagrange Points
Requires saving higher-order terms in linearized equations Results: L1, L2, L3 unstable Body perturbed from the point will move away from the point L4, L5 neutrally stable Body perturbed from the point will drift around the point

63 Conclusions Stability of Spinning Bodies Derivation of Lagrange Points

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