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SFC (ret) Rex Alan Loewen

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Presentation on theme: "SFC (ret) Rex Alan Loewen"— Presentation transcript:

1 SFC (ret) Rex Alan Loewen
Sample Briefing SFC (ret) Rex Alan Loewen This will be your first slide!

2 Agenda Introduction Body of the Briefing Conclusion Questions Point 1
This will be your second slide!

3 Introduction What the Briefing is about, Bottom Line Upfront
Why the Briefing is important to the Audience A quick history of the Subject (background) Hold Questions till the end / Ask Questions now This will be your third slide!

4 Sitting at Attention is a modified position of Attention
Introduction Sitting at Attention When you attend a board you will sit at Attention while you are questioned by the Board Members When you are being interviewed for a position, internship, scholarship, admission to college, etc you will present a more professional and mature image Sitting at Attention is a modified position of Attention Sample Introduction Slide

5 Posture While sitting at Attention, your back is straight.
Your head and eyes are directed forward Sample Body Slide

6 Placement of Feet Placement of Hands
Your feet may be together or slightly apart. Placement of Hands Your hands rest on your thighs, close to your knees, fingers together Sample Body Slide.

7 This will be your next to last slide!
Conclusion Sitting at Attention when sitting before a Board or an Interview will help you to present a more professional and mature image. Knowing that you are sitting properly will help your self confidence and help ease your stress. This will be your next to last slide!

8 Questions This will be your last slide!

9 Subjects for 1st Semester Presentations
A Person you know. A Place you have been. An Event you helped make happen.

10 Subjects for 2nd Semester Presentations
Flag Facts Drill & Ceremony Chain of Command ROTC / JROTC History (include Leavenworth HS JROTC history) Rank Structure to include Rules for Saluting Wear and Appearance of the Uniform

11 General Rules Know your Audience, (humor, level of seriousness, dress)
Know what you are talking about, Know your Subject Be able to pronounce every word of your Briefing Be able to answer Questions (part of Rule 2) Watch your time. Practice, Practice, Practice

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