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A Quick Carl D. Perkins Act Update

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1 A Quick Carl D. Perkins Act Update
Bruce Harrington Director of Federal and State Initiatives Division of Career and Adult Education

2 It's a busy time of the year for Perkins. . .
. . . for the DOE! Activities heat up for our local Perkins recipients in the next couple of months.

3 Carl D. Perkins Reauthorization
Continue to operate under the Carl D. Perkins Act of (AKA Perkins IV) On continuation since 2013 H.R. 2353, the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act – the bill that would reauthorize Perkins - passed the house on June 22, 2017. The Senate has not yet taken action, but the word is that it is seen as a priority. Even with immediate reauthorization, changes to Perkins in Florida are not likely before

4 Program of Study Data Project
Last year, the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE), offered to states customized technical assistance related to Perkins. The Division of Career and Adult Education (DCAE) submitted a proposal to receive assistance focusing on the collection, analysis, and distribution of data related to Perkins Programs of Study (POS), and the DCAE proposal was accepted by OCTAE. Technical assistance will be provided to DCAE by RTI International. The project has begun and is expected to run through spring. At the conclusion of the project, the state will receive a summary report with recommendations.

5 Florida’s 2016-17 Perkins Data
Perkins state level data were due to the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) on December 31, 2017. Florida received an extension by OCTAE into mid- January of 2018 due to a lag in some data as the result of the hurricane. Florida’s submission is now complete. If the data are approved by OCTAE, Florida will have met all performance targets.

6 Local Level Performance Reports
Local level performance reports will be made available once OCTAE has approved Florida’s state level numbers. The local level data will be used in setting your local targets. The LAUPL system for accepting your targets and providing Program Improvement Plans (if necessary) will then be opened. Districts will be notified via from the Chancellor’s office when the system is available.

7 A Few Words About Negotiating Targets
Your local targets are based on three primary factors: The State Performance Targets Previous district performance Previous district target It is possible to negotiate your local performance targets. However, the possibilities are limited.

8 A Few Words About Negotiating Targets
Local targets must meet or exceed the state target for the specific measure. A reduction in a performance target must be justifiable. Adjustments can be made for up to five areas, and must be documented by the district. Maximum reduction is 2% for each area, up to a total of 10%. Details can be found in the RFA Implementation Guide and an associated document provided on request. Remember: the law requires continuous improvement.

9 The Perkins RFA Anticipated release of the Perkins RFAs is early March. Webinar trainings will occur around that time, including a general training on the entire RFA, and another focused on the Program of Study Section. RFA’s likely due in early May. Confirmed dates will be released by our Grants office when they are available.

10 Program of Study Section, RFA
My office, the Federal and State Initiatives Section of the Division of Career and Adult Education, works with the Program of Study Section of the RFA. We strongly encourage districts to attend all available webinar trainings and thoroughly review the RFA Implementation Guide before submitting the Program of Study section. A correctly submitted Program of Study section will expedite your RFA. We have found that the Program of Study section can hold up final approval of the RFA, and therefore your allocation. IMPORTANT: If you are a small district and your postsecondary funding comes through a college, you do not submit a full RFA but you must submit a Program of Study!

11 Program of Study Section, RFA – Tips!
Attend the Webinars! Review the RFA Implementation Guide! Is last year’s Program of Study still active, viable, and unchanged? Use it again! Ask for technical assistance BEFORE submitting the RFA!

12 Perkins Technical Skills Attainment Inventory
The Perkins Technical Skills Attainment Inventory links CTE programs to industry certifications for the purposes of Perkins accountability. Linkages are made by district and college request ONLY. The DCAE will carry forward linkages for new programs only if they replace a daggered program and only if the changes to the program do not impact the linkage. Agencies should review the preliminary lists, once released, to confirm that all desired linkages are included. Look for the open window for linkage requests in May.

13 Professional Development Opportunity
Please let your CTE teachers know that the PDI will reimburse them for some of the expenses involved in achieving industry certification in the programs that they teach. For more Information please contact: Maraci Wallace: and ext. 1283

14 Online Application Process
NEW WEBSITE Online Application Process

15 Contacts Bruce Harrington Cathy Hammond 850-245-0949
Cathy Hammond

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