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WSC WSC Improvement - Feb. 23, 2011 Shanghai, China WSC2.0 TF 1

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1 WSC 2.0 - WSC Improvement - Feb. 23, 2011 Shanghai, China WSC2.0 TF 1

2 Member List SIA in Member China Louisa LV Chinese Taipei Julie Wu
Europe Martin Spaet Japan Masayuki Kikuchi Korea Steve Hong United States Daryl Hatano Feb. 2010, Shanghai China 2

3 WSC 2.0 TF Agenda draft in Feb.
Combine the Joint Statement and the GAMS recommendations into one document. Discuss in the May JSTC if activities of certain Task Forces should be continued. Discuss chair rotation of TF/WGs Feb. 2010, Shanghai China 3

4 September 2010 JSTC Minutes
“With respect to streamlining presentations, it was agreed that associations would examine the idea of combining the Joint Statement and the GAMS Recommendations into one document for the GAMS and report back to the next TF meeting in Shanghai. Each association would also continue consulting with their GAMS representatives on additional means of streamlining and clarifying the GAMS Recommendations. With respect to managing the number of TFs and WGs, the Task Force will endeavor to make a proposal to be discussed at the JSTC as to the possibility of determining the continuation of Task Forces and Working Groups at February JSTC meetings.” Feb. 2010, Shanghai China 4

5 WSC 2.0 TF Agenda draft in Feb.
Combine the Joint Statement and the GAMS recommendations into one document. Discuss in the May JSTC if activities of certain Task Forces should be continued. Discuss chair rotation of TF/WGs Feb. 2010, Shanghai China 5

6 Documentation Process (Original example)
JSTC to only work on one document. JSTC to review section by section and agree on the contents including statements to be highlighted and statements to be underlined for GAMS attention. JSTC to approve final document. Host secretariat to finalize a Joint Statement for public use by: Deleting “confidential” and GAMS references in the headings on the first page, Deleting all underlined statements that are only for GAMS. Removing the highlighted statements. Feb. 2010, Shanghai China 6

7 Documentation Process (Revised version)
JSTC to only work on one document. JSTC to review section by section and agree on the contents including statements to be written in Italic and statements to be underlined for GAMS attention. JSTC to approve a final document. Host secretariat to finalize a Joint Statement for public use by: Deleting “confidential” and GAMS references in the headings on the first page, Deleting all underlined statements that are only for GAMS. Removing the statements written in Italic. Sept. 2010, Kobe, Japan 7

8 Trial for One Document Approach
SIA in Japan would like to employ this one document approach as a trail at the 2011 WSC in Fukuoka. Sept. 2010, Kobe, Japan 8

9 WSC 2.0 TF Agenda draft in Feb.
Combine the Joint Statement and the GAMS recommendations into one document. Discuss in the May JSTC if activities of certain Task Forces should be continued. Discuss chair rotation of TF/WGs Feb. 2010, Shanghai China 9

10 Discuss if Task Forces should be continued
In May 2011, each Task Forces should review its activities to continue or discontinue. To continue, Task Force should prepare its goals with timelines. At the May JSTC (2011), each Task Forces should present its conclusion(s) and recommendation(s) on the above. JSTC should discuss and approve the recommendation(s), if appropriate. Sept. 2010, Kobe, Japan 10

11 From 2012 onward In every February, each Task Force should review its activities to continue or discontinue. To continue, Task Force should prepare its goals with timelines. At a February JSTC, each Task Force should present its conclusion(s) and recommendation(s) on the above. Sept. 2010, Kobe, Japan 11

12 WSC 2.0 TF Agenda draft in Feb.
Combine the Joint Statement and the GAMS recommendations into one document. Discuss in the May JSTC if activities of certain Task Forces should be continued. Discuss chair rotation of TF/WGs Feb. 2010, Shanghai China 12

13 WSC 2.0 – Review of Chair Rotations of Committees, TFs and WGs
China – Import/Export Working Group Chinese Taipei – Europe – Trade (MCO, Encryption). ESH Energy Working Group. Japan -- IPTF, Outreach TF. WSC 2.0 Korea -- US – ESH PFOS Working Group, ESH PFC Working Group, ESH Quantitative Targets (ended in Sept 2010). Regional Stimulus. Host Region -- Market TF, ESH TF, JSTC Sept. 2010, Kobe, Japan 13

14 Thank you Feb. 2010, Shanghai China 14

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