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LAMAS Working Group 29 June-1 July 2016

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Presentation on theme: "LAMAS Working Group 29 June-1 July 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 LAMAS Working Group 29 June-1 July 2016
Agenda Item 4.1 The three Task Forces: organisation of the work Eurostat

2 Introduction December 2015 LAMAS, creation of TF1: Input harmonisation
TF2: Detailed topics TF3: Consolidation of the implementing act Eurostat

3 TF Membership Each TF co-chaired by a Eurostat representative and a LAMAS representative from a NSI: TF1: Eurostat (Fabienne Montaigne) and ELSTAT (Stylianos Zachariou) TF2: Eurostat (Anne Clémenceau) and DESTATIS (Thomas Körner) TF3: Eurostat (Frank Espelage) and CSO of Poland (Hanna Strzelecka) Each country/institution represented in at least one TF Eurostat

4 Meeting dates and topics covered
Task Force Meeting date Issues discussed Reporting to LAMAS TF2 16-17 March 2016 Future 8-yearly detailed topics Transition from work to retirement Labour situation of migrants and their immediate descendants Other detailed topics Dependent self-employed Second job 29 June – 1 July 2016 28-29 September 2016 Young people on the labour market Work organisation/ working time arrangements Working hours Second job Care needs Household sub-sampling and future 8-yearly detailed topics 7-9 December 2016 Eurostat

5 Meeting dates and topics covered
Task Forces Meeting date Issues discussed Reporting to LAMAS TF1 18-19 April 2016 Employment and unemployment Sub modules 'Absences from work', 'Search for work', 'Job search methods' and 'Availability' Sub modules 'At work' and 'Producing goods' Operational definition and the 12 principles Variable MAINSTAT Definition of private household and usually resident population 29 June – 1 July 2016 TF3 8-9 June 2016 Overview of issues (to be) covered by the IESS framework regulation and other general implementing acts Reports from TF1 and TF2 Consolidated implementing act in the labour market domain: structure and content Detailed review of first topics/variables Special issues to be tackled (Proxy issues; Subsampling) End 2016/Begin 2017  continued Eurostat

6 LAMAS is invited to: take note of the work organisation of the 3 TFs
More information on work progress of each TF follows …

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