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English 10 - 2/26/18 In Chapter 21 Scout thinks about earlier events. What are these and how do they remind of the novel’s central themes? Why is talking.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 - 2/26/18 In Chapter 21 Scout thinks about earlier events. What are these and how do they remind of the novel’s central themes? Why is talking."— Presentation transcript:

1 English /26/18 In Chapter 21 Scout thinks about earlier events. What are these and how do they remind of the novel’s central themes? Why is talking to cows a waste of time? Bird feed – Transmission (feed) from an earth- orbiting satellite (bird). Goals – Examine the symbolism of Tom as the mockingbird. Discuss whether or not Boo Radley is symbolized by the mockingbird. Homework – Finish up all openers and forms from last week. Don’t forget to study for vocab. quiz #21 Friday. Because it goes in one ear and out the udder.

2 English /27/18 At the end of chapter 23 Jem forms a new theory about why Boo Radley has never left the house. What is it and do you think it is likely to be true? What were Mr. O’Connor’s three hardest years? Annie Oakley – Free pass to the theatre. Goals – Work independently on the Bending the Law handout. Discuss it as a class. Letter from the Birmingham Jail. Homework – Complete highlighting and annotating the “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Second grade.

3 English 10 – 2/28/18 Examine the discussion between Heck Tate and Atticus about what to do about Bob Ewell’s death. Who do you agree with and why? I intend to live forever… so far so good! Spermologer – one who gathers seeds. Goals – Continue work discussing key elements of “The Letter… .” Homework – Complete highlighting and annotating the “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Don’t forget to study for vocab. quiz #21 Friday.

4 English /1/18 What sorts of things do you do to make your writing more interesting? What type of writing do you find most interesting? Why? If you are what you eat, I’m dead meat. Quadragenarian – a person in their forties. Goals – Discuss writing and work on a relative clauses activity from Writer’s Options. Discuss “Letter form the Birmingham Jail.” Homework – Read and annotate TKAM Assignment Sheet and Rubric. Don’t forget to study for vocab. quiz #21 tomorrow.

5 English 10 - 3/2/18 Five minutes to study for vocabulary quiz #21.
What is the differendce between a fish and a piano? Camerature – a distorted photograph; a photographic caricature. Goals – Complete Vocab 20. Discuss TKAM assignment and rubric. Homework –Think about what you might write about the novel next week. Do a free write to generate ideas. Writing starts Monday. You can’t tuna fish

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