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2 1. arbitrary Some of the decisions teachers may seem, arbitrary, even though students may not know the thought behind them. Coin tosses are arbitrary, so we should come up with a better way to choose.

3 1. arbitrary (adj.) unreasonable; based on one’s own wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness.

4 2. atone It is best to atone for any wrongs done right after they occur. The priest told her to give money to charity to atone for her crime.

5 2. atone (v.) to make up for

6 3. brazen With a brazen disregard for the rules, the man continued talking loudly on his cell phone in the library. The boy was brazen when he said he would hit his friend again if he got a chance.

7 3. brazen (adj.) shameless; not showing respect for another

8 4. catalyst Her rude comment was the catalyst that started the argument. My slowly failing car was the catalyst for my decision to get a new one.

9 4. catalyst (n) a substance that causes/hastens a chemical reaction; any agent that causes change.

10 5. diligent The girl was a diligent student all throughout high school, and it finally paid off when she got into college. The band practiced diligently every night before their big show.

11 5. diligent (adj.) hardworking; industrious, not lazy

12 6. doleful The man was doleful on Thanksgiving, because both of his parents recently passed away. He was doleful that he had to sell his long-beloved car.

13 6. doleful (adj.) sad, dreary

14 7. hamper The defense of the opposing team hampered the Laker’s rebound. Having bad grades will hamper your chances of getting into college.

15 7. hamper (v.) to hold back

16 8. impoverished After buying a new car, I might be in an impoverished state. Many college students are impoverished since they don’t work while going to school.

17 8. impoverished (adj.) poor; in a state of poverty; depleted

18 9. incorrigible Her brother was incorrigible; try as she might, she couldn’t get him to take a picture. The student’s incorrigible attitude resulted in his expulsion.

19 9. incorrigible (adj.) not able to be corrected, beyond control

20 10. latent The detective found latent fingerprints on the wall.
The attendance of the the music star was latent until halftime when he shuffled for the crowd.

21 10. latent (adj.) hidden, present but not realized

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