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Social Impact Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Social Impact Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Impact Workshop
The difference we make Social Impact Workshop

2 The workshop Introductions Social impact – key principles
Examples of measurement tools: SROI Social Audit Outcome Stars Activities (making social impact fun!?)

3 Terminology Confusology
Social value Social objectives Inputs Displacement Social return Outputs Social impact Outcomes Deadweight Attribution Theory of change

4 What is social impact? “Social impact is the effect of an activity on the social fabric of the community and well-being of individuals and families” (SEUK) “The change an organization creates through its actions” (UnLtd) The difference we make The value we create

5 Why measure social impact?
IT’S OUR REASON FOR BEING! Improve your organization’s credibility Prove the need and help define the market for your services Inspire your staff and volunteers Communicate the difference your business makes Provide powerful publicity and marketing materials Give you the information you need to improve Help you secure future business Assist with future funding or investment

6 Inspiring Impact

7 What should we measure? Key is to measure things that matter to:
You and your business Your stakeholders (e.g. funders, commissioners, regulators, beneficiaries) Make sure it is commensurate with size/complexity of work

8 Looking for clues Governing document (e.g. charity deed, CIC36 form etc) Original funding applications Contract specifications Beneficiaries/clients themselves National/local policy

9 Logical steps Inputs Resources invested, activities carried out
Outputs Direct results of activities, e.g. number of people supported Outcomes Changes as a result, e.g. more confidence, more employable

10 Example SMART outcome People with poor mental health will have improved well-being and reduced debt stress Or In 6 months, 100 people will have reduced stress about their debts

11 Another SMART outcome Establishing service level agreements will lead to improved standards in housing, policing, environment and public services Or In 3 years, residents will report a increase of 10% in satisfaction with policing

12 Social impact measurement systems
Social Return on Investment (SROI) Social Audit Network Outcomes Star Local Impact Measurement Tool Social Impact Tracker Lamplight The Rickter Scale ECCO The Questant Process

13 Social Return on Investment (SROI)
SROI calculates a monetary value for the social, economic and environmental outcomes created by an activity or an organisation Creates a ratio e.g. £3 ‘return’ for every £1 ‘invested’ Involves stakeholders Seven principles (see next slide)


15 SROI continued Pros Cons Recognised and respected system
Can be used by organisations from any sector Consistent approach Helps to identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement Self Assessment Tool available Global Value Exchange Can be complex Cost implications May not be suitable for smaller or newly established organisations Still elements of subjectivity Monetising things not of monetary value Limited comparability

16 Social Audit Network
Social Accounting and Audit (SAA) = assessing the social value generated by an organization Creating a set of ‘social accounts’ alongside financial accounts Uses outputs/indicators/outcomes concepts Stakeholder analysis 8 key principles – purpose, scope, stakeholders, ‘materiality’, comparisons, transparency, verification, embedding

17 SAN continued Pros Cons Builds on existing reporting systems
External verification and ‘sign off’ Engages wider audience Established and respected May not be suitable for organisations starting out measuring social impact Time Cost of verification

18 Outcomes Star Set of tools for working with people
20 different versions for different client groups Scales/assessment Can be averaged/summarised


20 Outcomes Star continued
Pros Cons Sector specific Consistent scales enable comparability across sectors User friendly for both practitioners and service users Detailed information Online/web version Information still needs to be analysed to illustrate wider impact of organisation or project Less suitable for organisations not providing direct support to service user groups May be intrusive Modest licence fee

21 Do it yourself! Set up your own system
What is the need/what are you trying to achieve? How will you measure this, e.g. use a simple feedback form Gather the data Analyse/evaluate the information Write a report!

22 Communicating social impact
Good presentation Key facts in context Storytelling Case studies (use with caution and concision) Report writing Infographics (e.g. Piktochart) Plan your campaign

23 Resources Global Value Exchange:
Charities Evaluation Services: Big Society Capital Outcomes: Social Impact Tracker: Social Value Hub: Outcomes Star: Social Impact Scotland: There’s loads more!

24 Contact us Gareth Hart Director, Iridescent Ideas CIC 07786 863206

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