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Presentation on theme: "ENERGY IN CELLS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Obtaining Food Autotrophs-producers Heterotrophs-consumer
Photosynthesis Make food using sunlight Heterotrophs-consumer Obtain energy by consuming other organsims

3 Harvesting Food Cellular Respiration Autotrophs Heterotrophs

4 The Cycles Together From

5 ENERGY Kinetic energy Potential energy Motion Stored energy
Chemical energy Potential energy due to atomic arrangement

6 Units of Energy Calorie Calorimeter
Amount of energy needed to raise 1 gram of water by 1˚ Celsius. Calorimeter

7 ENERGY MOLECULE ATP-Adenosine Triphosphate ADP-Adenosine Diphosphate



10 Cellular Respiration A chemical process of organisms in which organic molecules are broken down and energy (ATP) is released. Equation: C6H12O6 + 6O2 →6CO2 + 6H ATP Reactants → Products

11 Food to Energy Glycolysis 1st stage Cytoplasm Anaerobic-without oxygen
Results in 2 pyruvic acid and 2 net ATP

12 Glycolysis

13 Krebs Cycle 2nd stage Occurs in mitochondria
Results in 2ATP and CO2 released

Final Stage Occurs in membrane Results in water and 34 ATP

15 Cellular Respiration

16 Anaerobic Respiration Fermentation
ATP without oxygen Inefficient! Only 2ATP produced Lactic Acid Fermentation Lactic Acid Muscle Cells Burning and Sore Microorganisms Cheese Alcoholic Fermentation Ethanol (alcohol) and CO2 Yeast and bacteria

17 Alcoholic Fermenation
Lactic Acid Fermenation

18 ENERGY FROM SUNLIGHT Photosynthesis Equation:
Process in which autotrophs use the sun’s energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugars. Equation: 6CO2 + 6H20 → C6H12O6 + 6O2 Reactant → Product

19 Figure 10.2 Photoautotrophs
(a) Plants (c) Unicellular protist Figure 10.2 Photoautotrophs 10 µm (e) Purple sulfur bacteria 1.5 µm (b) Multicellular alga (d) Cyanobacteria 40 µm

20 Leaf Structure Stomata Pores that allow CO2 and O2 exchange.

21 Leaf Structure continued
Chloroplast Chlorophyll a & b green pigment that traps light energy Carotenoids Yellow, orange, and red

22 Chloroplast Grana Stacks of disc, thylakoids Stroma
Thick fluid in inner membrane

23 The light spectrum 23

24 Light Absorption Photosynthesis works only with absorbed wavelengths of light chlorophyll a the dominant pigment absorbs best in red& blue wavelengths & least in green other pigments with different structures have different absorption spectra 24

25 Chloroplasts transform light energy into chemical energy of ATP
ETC of Photosynthesis Chloroplasts transform light energy into chemical energy of ATP use electron carrier NADPH split H2O ETC of Respiration Mitochondria transfer chemical energy from food molecules into chemical energy of ATP use electron carrier NADH Generate H2O 25

26 H+ Diffusion Electron transport chain ADP + P
Fig Mitochondrion Chloroplast MITOCHONDRION STRUCTURE CHLOROPLAST STRUCTURE H+ Diffusion Intermembrane space Thylakoid space Electron transport chain Inner membrane Thylakoid membrane Figure Comparison of chemiosmosis in mitochondria and chloroplasts ATP synthase Matrix Stroma Key ADP + P i ATP Higher [H+] H+ Lower [H+]


Thylakoid membranes of grana Second photosystem Light energy→water splits →oxygen released First photosystem NADP → NADPH H+ →chemical energy molecule ADP →ATP

29 Electron transport chain
Fig LIGHT DEPENDENT REACTIONS Electron transport chain Primary acceptor Primary acceptor 4 7 Electron transport chain Fd Pq e– 2 e– 8 H2O e– e– NADP+ + H+ Cytochrome complex 2 H+ NADP+ reductase + 3 1/2 O2 NADPH Pc e– e– P700 5 P680 Light 1 Light 6 6 ATP Figure How linear electron flow during the light reactions generates ATP and NADPH Pigment molecules Photosystem I (PS I) Photosystem II (PS II)

30 (low H+ concentration) Cytochrome complex Photosystem II Photosystem I
Fig STROMA (low H+ concentration) Cytochrome complex Photosystem II Photosystem I 4 H+ Light NADP+ reductase Light Fd 3 NADP+ + H+ Pq NADPH e– Pc e– 2 H2O 1 1/2 O2 THYLAKOID SPACE (high H+ concentration) +2 H+ 4 H+ To Calvin Cycle Figure The light reactions and chemiosmosis: the organization of the thylakoid membrane Thylakoid membrane ATP synthase STROMA (low H+ concentration) ADP + ATP P i H+

31 CALVIN CYCLE Light Independent Reaction
Stroma “sugar factory” CO2 fixed Carbon Dioxide + Energy molecules (ATP & NADPH) → G3P → Glucose



34 Alternative Pathway Save Water C4 CAM Sugar cane and corn
Fix CO2 in Mesophyll cell CAM Cactus and pineapple Fix CO2 at night

35 (a) Spatial separation of steps (b) Temporal separation of steps
Fig Sugarcane Pineapple C4 CAM CO2 CO2 Mesophyll cell 1 CO2 incorporated into four-carbon organic acids (carbon fixation) Night Organic acid Organic acid Figure C4 and CAM photosynthesis compared Bundle- sheath cell CO2 CO2 Day 2 Organic acids release CO2 to Calvin cycle Calvin Cycle Calvin Cycle Sugar Sugar (a) Spatial separation of steps (b) Temporal separation of steps

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