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Regional planning and collaboration

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1 Regional planning and collaboration
NatSIP North - next steps Regional planning and collaboration

2 DfE research on funding for SEN
Commissioned research into SEN funding arrangements and practices from Isos partnership Researched summer 2014, reported July 2015 National-to-local distribution of high-needs funding Core funding for mainstream schools pre-16 Core funding for SEN in early years settings Core funding for special schools, resourced provisions and SEN units pre-16 Core funding for SEN post-16 Top-up funding Funding support for children and young people with very high needs

3 We propose, therefore, that the DfE should consider piloting sub-regional or regional approaches to joint strategic commissioning of provision for very high-need low- incidence SEN. Doing this in areas where there is a history of successful collaboration would provide a basis for testing more systematic regional partnerships. (page 19)

4 The DfE should consider piloting sub-regional or regional approaches to joint strategic commissioning of provision for very high-need low-incidence SEN 12.23 Establishing and monitoring some controlled pilot activity, in areas where there is a history of successful collaboration, would test whether such an approach has the capacity to deliver significant benefits in terms of the quality, quantity and cost- effectiveness of local highly-specialist provision. If the pilots were successful they would provide a model for establishing or incentivising more systematic regional or sub-regional partnerships on a national basis.

5 NatSIP North Next steps?

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