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Published byRostislav Vacek Modified over 5 years ago
Structure Function Write the structure function for the block diagram below. Identify minimum path vectors (X) (X) = x1x2 + x3 - x1x2x3 d = abc + aBc + Abc D = abC + aBC + AbC + ABc + ABC = (a+A)bc + aBc = bC + BC + ABc = bc + aBc = (b + aB)c = C + ABc 1 2 3 rd 5/17/2019
Exponential Function (CFR)
Write the density function: f(t) = e-t, t 0 Write E(T)? 1/ = MTTF Write the failure rate. Write the reliability function. R(t) = e-t = 1 – F(t) Write the hazard function. h(t) = f(t)/R(t) = (CFR). What property does #5 invoke? Memoryless Lack of memory” means the probability of failure in a specific time interval is the same regardless of the starting point of that time interval. rd 5/17/2019
Example a) Find the probability of an item surviving until t = 100 units if the item is exponentially distributed with = 1/80. R(100) = e-100/80 = b) Given that the item survived 200 units, what is the probability of survival until t = 300 units? What is the value of the hazard function at 200 units? at 300 units? P(T > 300|T > 200) = P(100) = h(t) = = 1/80 = For f(t) = e-t, t 0; rd 5/17/2019
Systems Reliability Given 5 components connected in series with respective probabilities [ ], specify which component to improve to enhance the system reliability. T or F System reliability for series connected components is always greater than its least reliable component. T or F System reliability RS = P((X) = 1) = E[(X)] Give an example of a standby system. Spare tire rd 5/17/2019
Path Vector Technique Find (X) for the bock diagram using path vector techniques (X) = 1 – (1 – X1X2)(1 – X1X3)(1 – X2X3) The 4 path vectors are (1 1 0) (1 0 1) (0 1 1) (1 1 1) R(p)=E[(X)] = [p1p2(1-p3) + p1(1-p2)p3 + (1-p1)p2p3) + p1p2p3 = p1p2 + p1p3 + p2p3 – 2p1p2p3 R = 1 - ( * 0.95)3 = 1 3 (poly^n #(R ) 3) #(R ) 3p2 - 2p3 R = 1 – 3r r4 - r6 rd 5/17/2019
Simulation Two independent constant failure rates = 1 and = ½ per month are connected in parallel. Find 10th percentile, mean lifetime and probability of failure within a month. (percentile 10 (mapcar #' max (sim-exponential ) (sim- exponential 1/ ))) month vs theoretical (mu (mapcar #' max (sim-exponential ) (sim-exponential 1/ ))) months is mean lifetime. 1/1 + 1/2 - 1/(1 + 2) = 7/3 (count-if #'(lambda (x) (< x 1)) (mapcar #' max (sim-exponential ) (sim-exponential 1/ ))) 2509 => 0.25 theoretical 1/1 + 1/ 2 - 1/(1 + 2) 1 – R(t) = F(t) = 1 – (e-1 + e-1/2 - e-1 * e-1/2) = 0.1 and solve for t. Let y = e-t/2 => 1 – y2 - y + y = 0 or (cubic ) ( ) e-t/2 = => t = 1 R(t) = e-1 + e-1/2 - e-1 * e-1/2 = 1/2 rd 5/17/2019
Continued 1/1 + 1/ 2 - 1/(1 + 2) /3 = 7/3 = – R(t) = F(t) = 1 – (e-1 + e-1/2 - e-1 * e-1/2) = 0.1 and solve for t for 10th percentile. Let y = e-t/2 => 1 – y2 - y + y = 0 or (cubic ) ( ) e-t/2 = => t = rd 5/17/2019
Survivor and Hazard Functions
Given the density function f(t) = 2e-2t, find the survivor and hazard lifetime distributions. rd 5/17/2019
Decomposition Find system reliability of network. Assume Ri = 0.95 A C decompose with E working and E E not working B D RS = [2(0.95) – 0.952] [2 *0.952 – 0.954] 0.05 = = rd 5/17/2019
BRIDGE 1 4 3 2 5 1 4, 2 5, 1 3 5, 2 3 4 with 's = 1 with RS =0.99981
for t = 1 hours. \ 5 rd 5/17/2019
Systems Engineering and Analysis
Chapter 13 Design for Maintainability rd 5/17/2019
Define and Explain maintainability; Use Measures of maintainability – elapsed times, frequencies, labor hours, costs; Apply availability and effectiveness factors Apply maintainability in the life-cycle – allocation, component selection, design participation, design review Apply maintainability analysis methods – trade-offs, level of repair analysis (LORA), maintenance task analysis (MTA) and total productive maintenance (TPM) L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S rd 5/17/2019
Maintainability The relative ease and economy of time and resources with which an item can be retained in, or restored to, a specified condition when maintenance is performed by personnel having specified skill levels, using prescribed procedures and resources, at each prescribed level of maintenance and repair. A function of design Effective, Safe, ASAP, Least cost Minimum support (people, material, test equipment, facilities) Maintainability – design dependent parameter, kept in good condition, elapsed times, costs, frequencies rd 5/17/2019
Maintainability & Maintenance
Maintainability ~ ability of system to be maintained must be inherent or built into the design Maintenance ~ series of actions taken to restore or retain a system in specified state. Fix it. Is the result of the design. rd 5/17/2019
Maintainability Design for maintainability requires a product that is serviceable (must be easily repaired) and supportable (must be cost-effectively kept in or restored to a usable condition) - better yet if the design includes reliability (absence of failures) Design for maintainability defines how long equipment will be down and unavailable. H(t) = 1 – R(t) = 1 – e-t = F(t) = P(T < t) for exponentially distributed repair times. rd 5/17/2019
Constant Failure Rate Suppose a component can be repaired at a constant rate of 12 per 8-hour day. Find the probability that the time to fix one exceeds 2 hours. H(t) = 1 – R(t) = 1 – e-t/MTTF => P(T > 2) = 1 – H(t) = e-2/(2/3) = e-3 = rd 5/17/2019
Maintainability and Reliability
Inherent Availability = Ai = MTBF/(MTBF + MTTR) Operational Availability = Ao = MTBM/(MTBM + MDT) Achieved Availability = AA = MTBM/(MTBM + M-Bar) rd 5/17/2019
Measures of Maintainability
Corrective maintenance – restore system Preventive maintenance – scheduled maintenance to retain system in working order Adaptive maintenance – software Perfective maintenance – enhance software Downtime Mean Corrective Maintenance Time (Mct) or MTTR Failure detection, fault isolation, disassembly to gain access, repair. Active or maintenance times. Mean Active Corrective Maintenance Time (Mct) Mean Active Preventive Maintenance Time (Mpt) Availability = MTBF / (MTBF + Mct) rd 5/17/2019
Corrective Maintenance Times
(setf Table13.1 '( )) (mu-std-err table13.1) (61.9, ) (histogram table13.1 7) 5 in (59/2 79/2) (* * * * *) 7 in (79/2 99/2) (* * * * * * *) 10 in (99/2 119/2) (* * * * * * * * * *) 12 in (119/2 139/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * *) 9 in (139/2 159/2) (* * * * * * * * *) z = (40 – 61.9)/16.3) = in (159/2 179/2) (* * * *) z = (50 – 61.9)/16.3) = in (179/2 199/2) (* * *) (del-phi ) (del-normal 61.9 (square ) 40 50) or 50* 7 (del-normal 61.9 (square ) 46 78) or 50* 34 X ~ N(62, 162) assumed; X-bar ~ N(62, 162/n) rd 5/17/2019
Corrective Maintenance Times
rd 5/17/2019
Stem and Leaf of Maintenance Times
Cum Stem Leaf N = 50 (phi -1.34) 0.09 (inv-phi 0.09) -1.34 (mu-std-err table13.1) Mct = 61.9; σ = 16.3) Z40 = (40 – 61.9)/ = -1.34 rd 5/17/2019
Standard Z-Scores for Mcti
Median Discrete population: If sample size is odd, the middle value of the sorted population is the median. If sample size is even, the mean of the two middle values is the median. Example: (sort '( ) #' <) ( ) => 9.5 is the median Continuous distribution: Integrate up to the median for 50% probability Example: Find the median for f(x) = 2x on [0, 1]. rd 5/17/2019
Availability Inherent – excludes preventive, scheduled maintenance, logistics delay, admin delay. Ai is the largest availability value. Inherent Ai = MTBF (MTBF + Achieved Aa = MTBM includes Mpreventive (MTBM ) Operational Ao = MTBM (MTBM + MDT) MDT = mean maintenance downtime = MTTR. = Mean active maintenance time. = mean active corrective maintenance time As reliability decreases (i.e., MTTF becomes smaller), better maintainability (i.e., shorter MTTR) is needed to achieve the same availability. rd 5/17/2019
Operational Availability
Availability is given by If the failure rate is 0.01 failure per hour and the mean- time-to-repair (MTTR or MDT) distribution is continuous uniform on [2, 8] hours, find the system availability. Given: MTBF = 1/0.01 = 100; E(MDT) = (2 + 8)/2 = 5 A = 100/( ) = rd 5/17/2019
Incorrect Specifications
The system shall have an operational availability of with a MTBF of 500 hours and a MDT of 6 hours. A = 500/( ) = < (specified) conflicting specs rd 5/17/2019
Repairable Systems Non-repairables – such as light bulbs Three models of Repair Replacement model – new item replaces a failed item Maintenance model – preventive maintenance Repair model – repaired before returning to service. Examples: "socket" model, how many bulbs to retain or redundancy allocation problem Replacement (?) when to replace? failure? age? block? rd 5/17/2019
Maintenance Models Preventive Maintenance - action taken before an item fails Examples: change oil in car, overhaul jet engine, lubricate a bearing Corrective Maintenance – action taken upon failure Examples: charging a dead car battery, repairing a failed printed circuit board in disc drive; fixing a flat. What is optimal time for preventive maintenance? Satellite repair is too costly to use preventive maintenance. rd 5/17/2019
Failure and Repair Process
Point Process Model X(t) = 0 if item failed at time t and = 1 if item is working at time t. x o x o x o x o X1 R1 X2 R2 X3 R3 X4 R4 Xi = ith time to failure and Ri the ith time to repair. x ~ failure times; o ~ time when repaired and returned to service Poisson process rd 5/17/2019
Point Process Poisson Process ~ when time to repair or replace is negligible compared to uptime. For example, when car is in shop an hour for an oil change (pit stop with no miles accrued) vs. an aircraft in a hangar for months having engines overhauled. Applicable to queue arrivals, earthquakes, crime, strikes, bankruptcies, wars, accidents. The s for an auto are many; for a light bulb is few. rd 5/17/2019
Non-repairable vs. Repairable
Non-repairable Repairable Item gets better with time Burn-in Improving Item gets worse with time Wear-out Deteriorating Stationary processes (Poisson) vs. independent increments rd 5/17/2019
Partitioning Availability
Time to detect failure Time to diagnose the problem Time to obtain parts and labor Repair time Testing time 0 1 1 rd 5/17/2019
Queuing Model Breakdowns occur on average at 2 per day (Poisson) and each can be repaired at an average of 1/3 day (exponential). At a FCFS, what is the average number of items down at any time and the average waiting time before maintenance crew can begin service? = 2/3 L = /(- 1 ) = (2/3)/(1/3) = 2 items Wq = /( - ) = 2/3(3-2) = 2/3 day (MM1 2 3) (MM1 2 3) P = W = WQ = L = LQ = UTILIZATION = IDLE = rd 5/17/2019
Failure Rate Failure Rate = number of failures = N operating time TT – Not-time 50 artificial heart valves were tested for 10,000 hours at a lab and 3 failed. a. What was the failure rate in %? b. number of failures per unit year? c. How many are expected to fail during a year from putting the valves into 100 patients? d. Find the MTBF. a) 3/50 = 6% b) 3/(10000*50 - 3*5,000) = /hr; assuming 3 failures occurred at average of 5,000 hours /yr c) * 100 = 5.42 d) MTBF = unit-yr/failure 1/5.42 = 18.46 rd 5/17/2019
Log-normal Log-Normal Cumulative distribution function Erf (x) = (- (* 2 (phi (* x (sqrt 2)))) 1)) erf(x) = 2/sqrt(pi) * integral from 0 to x of exp(-t^2) dt. rd 5/17/2019
Maintenance Times Mean Preventive Maintenance Time (MT) M-barpt Median Active Corrective MT (Mct) Median Active Preventive MT (Mpt ) Mean Active MT M-bar Maximum Active Corrective MT (Mmax) Logistics Delay Time (LDT) Administrative Delay Time (ADT) (strikes, reassignments) Maintenance Downtime (MDT) total downtime rd 5/17/2019
Maintenance Labor Hours
MLH/OH MLH/cycle MLH/month MLH/MA rd 5/17/2019
Maintenance Frequency Factors
MTBM ~ mean time between maintenance a b MTBM = 1 1/MTBMa + 1/MTBMb MTBR ~ mean time between replacement rd 5/17/2019
Maintenance Cost Factors
Cost per maintenance action ($/MA) Maintenance cost per system operating hour ($/OH) Maintenance cost per month ($/month) Maintenance cost per mission segment ($/mission) The ratio of maintenance cost to actual life cycle cost rd 5/17/2019
System Effectiveness (SE)
Probability that system performs as intended Cost Effectiveness (CE) System benefits / life-cycle cost System capacity / life-cycle cost SE / life-cycle cost Availability / life-cycle cost Supportability / life-cycle cost MTBM MTBR M-bar Mpt MLH/OH $/MA Cost per maintenance hour labor hour / operating hour rd 5/17/2019
Maintainability Allocation
Suppose inherent availability probability = with MTBF = 450 hours; MLH/OH = 0.2; Mct = ? Mct = MTBF(1 – Ai) / Ai = 450 (1 – ) / = 0.5 hours allocated to the components. continued rd 5/17/2019
Maintainability Allocation
Item Q Failure-rate Cf Cp Mct Ct = CfMct Unit A 1 0.246 11% 0.9 0.221 Unit B 1.866 84% 0.4 0.746 Unit C 0.110 5% 1.0 Total 2.222 100% 1.077 Table13.7 Mct is Mean Corrective Maintenance time Ct Contribution of total corrective M-time Mct for System = / = hr (0.5 hr needed) Unit B's 0.4 hours is allocated to its components. Cc contribution of total corrective maintenance times rd 5/17/2019
Demonstration Method I
Failure is induced with only naturally occurring evidence Technician called in to repair. Repairs in approved way Data is collected on all operations to note delays, inadequacies, shortages, performance, test procedure. The test is repeated on n simulated failures and an example of the allocation is shown in Table13.14. rd 5/17/2019
Demonstration 2 Given maintenance times, find M-bar, M-barct M-barpt Mmax Upper limit = M-barct + z/ (sqrt n) rd 5/17/2019
P13-27 Task Mcti Variance 1 58 16 2 72 100 3 32 900 … Total 3,105
= 3105/50 = 62.1 < 65 V( ) = 15,016/50 = Mct = * 17.33/7.07 = 66.1 > 65 => Reject at 5%; OK at 20% Specs: Mbar = 75 min Mbar-ct = 65 min Mbar-pt = 110 min Mmax = 120 min Producer's risk () = 5% Task Mcti Variance 1 58 16 2 72 100 3 32 900 … Total 3,105 15,016 rd 5/17/2019
P13-7 With availability set at and a calculated MTBF of 400 hours, find the mean corrective maintenance time Mct. Mct = MTBF(1 – Ai) / Ai = 400(1 – 0.99) / 0.99 = 4.04 hours rd 5/17/2019
P13-8 Determine Given Solutions-Answers Ai MTBM = MTBF = 1/ = 250 hrs Aa MTBF TOT = 10K hrs Mbar = 50 – 30 = 20 hrs Ap M-bar MDT = 50 hr 10K * = 40 => 10 = PM Mbarct MTTRg TNoMA = = Mbarct *.004+6*.001/.005 M-barp = 6 hr Mbarct = 23.5 hrs Mean logistics + admin = 30 hr MTBM = 10000/ 50 = 200 hrs Ai = 250/( ) = Aa = 200/(200+20) = A0 = 200/(200+50) = 0.8 Ai ~ inherent availability See Page 436 Aa Achieved Ao Operational availability See ToT = total operational time rd 5/17/2019
P13-11 Item Q Contribution Cf = Q % Contribution Cp =Cf/Sum Mct *
(minutes) A 1 0.05 0.07 2 1.00 B 0.16 0.32 0.42 0.6 0.192 C 0.27 0.35 0.9 0.243 D 0.12 1.5 0.180 Total 0.76 0.715 Contribution = Cf * Mct M-barct = 0.715/0.760 = 0.94 < 1 hr assigned to ABC => some relaxing * Estimated times from inherent characteristics of design rd 5/17/2019
P13-25 (setf p13-25 '( )) (mu-std-err p13-25) ( ) H0: 65 vs. H1: < 65 with = 10%, n = 50, s = X-bar = Z = 7.07(61.48 – 65)/16.25 = < p-value = < = 10%, => Reject rd 5/17/2019
Unit B Allocation Item Q F-rate Cf Cp Mct Ci = CfMct 1 0.116 6% 0.5 0.058 2 1.550 83% 0.4 0.620 3 0.200 11% 0.3 0.060 Total 1.866 100% 0.738 Mct for Unit B = / = hr (0.4 hr needed) rd 5/17/2019
Component Selection and Application
Use standardized components (COTs); standard tools Built-in test (BITE) for quick, easy diagnostics for time consuming tests Ensure accessibility for remove and replace and modular independency Seek modular, physical and functional interchangeability of parts. Avoid preventive maintenance needs. Prioritize locations using time to repair and accessibility for high failure rate items or critical components Label components rd 5/17/2019
Maintainability Analysis
Tradeoff between reliability and maintainability -- Current need: 8 hrs daily operation, 360 days/yr for 10 years. Ai = 0.961, MTBF = 125 hrs, Mct = 5 hrs New: Ai = 0.990, MTBF > 300, Mct < 5 12 10 8 6 4 2 Ai = 0.961 Mct Ai = 0.990 Existing design Configuration Ai MTBF Mct Existing 0.961 125 5.0 A 0.991 450 4.0 B 0.990 375 3.5 C 320 2.8 Trade-off Area Ai = 0.995 Page 446 of text for A, B, and C designs competing for contract MTBF Reliability MTBF, hr Ai = MTBF/(MTBF + M-barct ) rd 5/17/2019
Prediction of Mct Table 13.10
Maintainability Prediction Worksheet (Assembly i) Maintenance Times (Hr) Part N N Loc Iso Acc Ali Cck Int Mct NMct A B C … Total Underlined constitute a maintenance cycle time Int ~ interchange Locate isolate access align check interchange N ~ number of parts rd 5/17/2019
Maintainability Analysis
Maintainability Prediction Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Level-of-Repair Analysis (LORA) – repair or replace Maintenance Task Analysis (MTA) – what's needed Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Maintainability Demonstration – ORI Maintainability Assessment – of MTBM. MDT, MLH/OR rd 5/17/2019
Downtime Logistics Delay Time (LDT) Administrative Delay Time (ADT) Maintenance Downtime (MDT) rd 5/17/2019
Mean Corrective Maintenance Time
= MTTR = rd 5/17/2019
Mean Preventive Maintenance Time pt
= fpi is the frequency of the ith preventive maintenance action per system operating hour Mpt is elapsed time needed for the ith action to exclude logistic delay and administrative delay times. rd 5/17/2019
Median Active Corrective Maintenance Time
= antilog rd 5/17/2019
Median Active Preventive Maintenance Time
rd 5/17/2019
Mean Active Maintenance Time
fpt is the preventive maintenance rate rd 5/17/2019
Maximum Active Corrective Maintenance Time (Mmax)
Mean of the logarithms of Mct; Z ~ to standard deviation, sample logarithms of average repair times rd 5/17/2019
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Integrated life-cycle approach to maintaining a manufacturing plant Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) OEE = availability (A) * performance rate (P) * quality rate (Q) Availability = loading time – downtime loading time Loading time – total time available to make products P = output * actual cycle time * ideal cycle time loading time – downtime actual cycle time Q = [input – (quality defects + startup defects + rework)] / input rd 5/17/2019
Summary Maintainability Analysis Interrelationship of Maintainability with Reliability Systems Life-Cycle Approach rd 5/17/2019
Problem 13-5 ((41 . 2) (39 . 3) (47 . 2) (35 . 5) ( ) ( ) (33 . 6) ( ) ( ) (37 . 4) ( ) (36 . 5) (31 . 7) (13 . 3) (11 . 2) (15 . 8) (29 . 8)(21 14) ( ) ( ) Range = 47 – 11 = 36 (setf P13-5 (flatten (mapcar #' list-of '( ) '( )))) ( ) (Range P13-5) 36; rd 5/17/2019
13 in (21/2 31/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * * *)
(Histogram P ) Problem 13-5 histogram N = 126 13 in (21/2 31/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * * *) 24 in (31/2 41/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) 37 in (41/2 51/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) 18 in (51/2 61/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) 18 in (61/2 71/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) 12 in (71/2 81/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * *) 2 in (81/2 91/2) (* *) 2 in (91/2 101/2) (* *) 0 in (101/2 111/2) Log Normal Distribution (skewed right) (mu-std-err p13-5) ( ) (median p13-5) 23 (mu-std-err (mapcar #' log p13-5)) ( ) * Using Log Base e (geometric-mean P13-5) (exp (mu (mapcar #' log p13-5))) = Mct = Geometric Mean (std-err (mapcar #' log p13-5 (list-of ))) * Using Log base 10 Mmax = antilog ( * 0.138) where 1.38 is (antilog and = antilog is (inv-phi 90) and = 36 minutes is antilog rd 5/17/2019
Problem 13-6 (setf P13-6 (flatten (mapcar #' list-of '( ) '( ))) ( ) The boundaries of the class intervals are: 6 in (17/2 27/2) (* * * * * *) NORMAL 10 in (27/2 37/2) (* * * * * * * * * *) Appearing 35 in (37/2 47/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) 22 in (47/2 57/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) 17 in (57/2 67/2) (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) 3 in (67/2 77/2) (* * *) (range p13-6) 28; (mu-std-err p13-6) ( ) rd 5/17/2019
Problem 13-7 With a specified inherent availability of 0.99 and a calculated MTBF of 400 hours, find the mean corrective maintenance time. Mct = MTBF(1 - Ai)/Ai = 400(1 – 0.99)/0.99 = 4.04 hours rd 5/17/2019
Problem 13-8 Given = 0.004, total operation time = 10,000 hours,
Mean downtime = 50 hours, Total number of maintenance actions = 50 and mean preventive maintenance time = 6 hours, and mean logistics plus administrative = 30, find MTBF = 1/ = 1/0.004 = 250 hours M-bar = 50 – 30 = 20 hours (assumption) rd 5/17/2019
Problem 13-9 Given Mct = 0.5 hour; MTBMa = 2 hours Mpt = 2 hours; MTBMs = 1000 hours; compute the achieved availability. 1 MTBM = 1/MTBMa + 1/MTBMs = 1/(1/2 + 1/1000) = hours = 0.5 and frequency of preventive fpt = M-bar = (0.5 * * 2)/( ) [See 13.8] = hours Aa = MTBM/(MTBM + M-bar) = 1.966/( ) = 0.796 a is unscheduled maintenance; s is scheduled maintenance rd 5/17/2019
Problem 13-12 System operates 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year for 15 years. MTBF is 400 hours and mean corrective time is 2 hours. Two techs are assigned for the duration of each maintenance action. Find the MLH/OH. (40 * 50 * 15)/400 = 30,000/400 = 75 maintenance actions. 75 * 2 hours * 2 techs = 300 MLH/30,000 OH = 0.01 MLH/OH rd 5/17/2019
P13-26 Mpt = 120 minutes required. (setf p13-26 '( )) (mu-std-err p13-26) ( ) Z = H0: 120 vs. H1: < 120 with = 10%, n = 50, s = 26.68, X-bar = => Xcritical = * 26.68/7.07 = ; (inv-phi 0.10) Z = 7.071( – 120)/26.68 = < => p-value = => Reject * / 7.07 = < 120 => Passed Test (depict p13-26) (U-normal 120 (/ (square 26.68) 50) ) % rd 5/17/2019
P13-27 Task Mcti Variance 1 58 16 2 72 100 3 32 900 … Total 3,105
= 3105/50 = 62.1 < 65 V( ) = 15,016/50 = Mct = * 17.33/7.07 = 66.1 > 65 => Reject at 5%; OK at 20% Specs: Mbar = 75 min Mbar-ct = 65 min Mbar-pt = 110 min Mmax = 120 min Producer's risk () = 5% Task Mcti Variance 1 58 16 2 72 100 3 32 900 … Total 3,105 15,016 rd 5/17/2019
Reliability of a System
Compute reliability of system. Compute reliability if system redundancy is used. Ans , 0.95 0.98 0.90 rd 5/17/2019
Preventive Maintenance Policy
Find expected number of breakdowns (bds). Each bd cost $280. For a cost of $150/month, a firm guarantees 1 bd/month. Is this a good deal? Σ # of breakdowns # months (freq) probability 1/12 1/3 5/12 1/8 1/24 E(bds) = 1.71 => costing 1.71 * $280 $479 (wo contract) = $430 (w contract) $ 49/month (EV '(1/12 1/3 5/12 1/8 1/24) (upt0 4)) rd 5/17/2019
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