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Grd 8: Development of Self in Society Term 1 Lesson 1- Sexuality 101

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1 Grd 8: Development of Self in Society Term 1 Lesson 1- Sexuality 101
Before this lesson starts, make sure you have a space on a wall to put the picture called :Developing safe boundary lines. The aim will be to add to this list every week as a class.

2 Our SAFE PLACE RULES... One person talks at a time and everybody listens. Remember 5min- Just a quick reminder before you start these lessons. (Include the “Safe Place Rules” that your class agreed upon from Gr 8 Term 1 DSS Week 1-3 on to slide 2 of the Lesson 1 PowerPoint .) Remind learners the rules the class put in place in the first lesson and the aim to make the class a safe place. Remind them about confidentiality unless they want to talk to their parents or teacher for clarity. Explain that we will now be moving into a sensitive topic that will make some people feel uncomfortable and shy. We need to respect one another, our beliefs and cultures. REMINDER: The post box, as a place to put questions you might be embaressed to ask in class. As the educator, make sure: Learners must know that the classroom is SAFE SPLACE and everyone must show respect for all kind of differences. You could encourage learners to keep a journal to write down all questions that they are uncomfortable to ask in class. Concepts must be used to consolidate your teaching and you should always monitor the learners’ understanding of the concepts. Manage diversity in a sensitive way to accommodate barriers to learning and teaching: Different age groups and experiences Language (to accommodate all language levels of learners is not possible, the language competency levels of learners is too diverse however you should aim to facilitate in such a way that meaningful learning does take place.)

3 What is SEXUALITY? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5min- Lets start by seeing who knows what sexuality is. Chat in your groups and see if you can come up with 3 defenitions. Each group gets to give feedback.

4 What is sexuality? Did you have any of the following?
How we feel about ourselves and our bodies. Our sexual thoughts and feelings towards other people. The way we behave towards other people. The changes in our bodies to prepare us to reproduce one day. It is the life long journey from birth until death as all people are sexual beings. Sex is the act of intercourse and a celebration of ones sexuality. 15min slide 3 & 4 check that they have included these points in their defenition of sexuality. Make sure to emphasise the difference between sex and sexuality. Did you know? Human beings are the only species that engage in sexual activtiy even when they don’t want to reproduce.

5 Why should we talk about sexuality?
As a teenager you will feel and experience so many changes in your body as you go through puberty. These feelings will sometimes make you self-conscous and insecure about your body and sexuality. But, if you have a strong self image and high self esteem you will develop a strong sense of who you are and have a healthy attitude to sexuality. A person who struggles with their self esteem might get involved in a sexual relationship before they are ready. Its important over the next few lessons for you to develop some healthy boundaries. Lets take a look at what a healthy boundary looks like...

6 Which one of these TWO boundary walls would be the most effective?
15min to end of this slide: Take a moment to hear from the learners which fence they think is the most effective. Ask them what the benefites are of having a strong boundary. Get learners to draw a line down the middle of a page and as a group to discuss the benefits of a strong boundary like the electric fence vs the dangers of limited or no boundary lines in these properties. Tell them to now complete Activity 1 where they list the dangers that could happen if they did not discsuss sex, sexuality and know about STDs (sexually transmitted diseases.) Maybe give some time for class feedback as well. Emphasize that boundaries exist because of informed rational decisions - so that when there is a moment where they could give in to peer pressure and make an emotional decision, they will remember their boundaries.

7 Setting Healthy Boundaries:
Did you have any of the following: Setting Healthy Boundaries: Know yourself and develop a healthy self-esteem ..... So how do we develop healthy boundaries to protect ourselves from making BAD decissions when it comes to SEX? Over the next 3 lessons we’ll be looking at some healthy boundaries to put in place. We already have our first healthy boundary from our last lessons on self concept- Know yourself and develop a healthy self-esteem. On your worksheet titled: My Healthy boundaries, write this boundary in your own words. Now, lets take a look at some influences on your sexuality... Do you remember the external factors we chatted about when we did self concept? Give the class time to list them. (they are all on the next slide.)

8 The media Friends and peers Family and community Culture and religion
The same external factors have an influence on your sexuality: Before we discuss each of these influences, complete Activity 1 on how you think each of these factors could influence a teenagers sexuality. They should have about 5-10min to complete this activity. Then ask for feedback from the class. The list below is just a recap for the educator. Use only what you feel is relevant in the discussion. (We will be working through each point in more detail over the next 2 lessons.The aim is to help learners see that their idea of what is right and wrong about sexuality and sex is influenced by many others. Take a moment to explain each of these external factors: Media- This includes social media, film, adverts etc. The media conveys a message of what is acceptable to society and should be believed in. We have often heard in songs comments on sex and sexuality. Friends and peers- friendship during your teenage years can be the most important peopel in your lives. Often you become more close to your friends than your family because you feel they understand you. Peers can be friends or just people in your age group. With good friends, you will develop a positive self-concept and stand up to peer pressure. But, unfortunately, the opposite is also true. Family: A loving family from a young age will have a positive influence on your self concept. Teenage from homes where they feel understood and secure often become independant and self motivated. However teenagers that come from homes where there is alot of fighting or substance abuse develop a low self concept and often feel hopeless towards the future. Sometimes this cycle motivates the teemager to grow up and change. Culture: Different cultures treat teenagers differently. In some cultures teenagers are given alot of responsibility. This often develops a strong self concept because you know peol are relying on you. Religion: There are many different religions in South Africa. Some religions have very strict ideas about sex before marriage and contraception. Community: this is the group of people you and your family live amongst and develop friendships. This community often inspires us to strive to be our best. However in a community where there is a strong culture of drinking, violance and abuse we often find an increase in teen pragnancy and rape.

9 Load this free app on your phones before the next lesson.
This is the app the quiz will run off next lesson. Explain to the learners its free at the Google Play Store or Apple store. They can also log onto a computer and play online. Their results will reflect on your account.

10 Influence from media
15min- We are going to start off by watching TWO music videos. These TWO songs by Taylor Swift were some of the most romantic music videos in Most of you were 4 or 5 years old at the time. They are totally different to the image of sexuality this singer portrays in the media today. Take note of the storyline of both and the stereotypes. You’ll need this information to answerthe questions that follow. Whatever we dont finish in the lesson needs to be completed for homework.

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