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Robert Guidoin, Ph. D. , Henri-Paul Noël, M. D. , Serge Dubé, M. D

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1 The fate of human umbilical vein grafts as an infrarenal aortic substitute in monkeys 
Robert Guidoin, Ph.D., Henri-Paul Noël, M.D., Serge Dubé, M.D., Rosita F. de Estable-Puig, M.D., Ph.D., Michel Marois, M.D., Martin King, P.Eng.  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 2, Issue 5, Pages (September 1985) DOI: / (85) Copyright © 1985 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

2 Fig. 1 SEM photomicrographs of nonimplanted HUV graft. A, Luminal surface is smooth with occasional shallow folds (× 20). B, No endothelial cells remain on flow surface while underlying elastic lamina is visible at places where basement membrane is damaged (× 200). Journal of Vascular Surgery 1985 2, DOI: ( / (85) ) Copyright © 1985 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

3 Fig. 2 Photomicrographs showing wall of unused HUV graft in cross-section. A, Luminal lining is devoid of endothelial cells as seen following paraffin embedding and hematoxylineosin staining (× 400). B, Elastica lamina has corrugated appearance following Epon embedding and PPDA staining (× 400). Journal of Vascular Surgery 1985 2, DOI: ( / (85) ) Copyright © 1985 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

4 Fig. 3 Photomicrograph of graft from experiment 3 implanted for 4 months. A, Lumen at distal anastomosis was virtually occluded by poorly adhering thrombotic accumulation. B, This was confirmed by SEM (× 20). C, Smooth luminal surface contained fibrin deposits (× 100), which did not appear to adhere well as they were rolled up and displaced downstream (D, × 500). Journal of Vascular Surgery 1985 2, DOI: ( / (85) ) Copyright © 1985 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

5 Fig. 4 Photomicrographs of graft from experiment 7 showing mismatch in diameter after 7½ months. A, Just above distal anastomosis wall was very thin and translucent. Smooth and glistening luminal surface was almost devoid of fibrin deposits and few endothelial-like cells were seen along anastomosis (B, × 50). Journal of Vascular Surgery 1985 2, DOI: ( / (85) ) Copyright © 1985 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

6 Fig. 5 Section through wall of graft from experiment 9 after implantation. Lumen of graft is on left. Note presence of endothelial-like cells on luminal surface (arrow). Wall of graft has lost most of its cellularity and there is hyalinization of muscular and collagenous components. Outer fibrous sheath is result of chronic inflammatory response with mononuclear cells, Dacron mesh, fibrous tissue, and small nutrient vessels (× 100). Journal of Vascular Surgery 1985 2, DOI: ( / (85) ) Copyright © 1985 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

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