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3 Honorable members of the Board
Prof. D.P. Singh Vice-Chancellor Devi Ahilya University, Indore Shri C.S. Chadda (Retd. I.A.S.) Honorary Life Member, BOG Shri S.R. Mohanti (I.A.S.) Managing Director, M.P. Urja Vikas Nigam, Bhopal Mr. Asad Warsi Director ECO-PRO, Environmental Services Shri B.K. Patel Chief Engineer (In-charge) M.P. Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd., Bhopal Prof. Bhumesh Gupta Director Academic Staff College DAVV, Indore Prof. M.S. Sodha (F.N.A) Founder Chairman, CESR Luknow Shri M.L. Bamboriya Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Govt of India, New Delhi Mr. S.L. Gangrade Regional Manager M.P. AGRO, Indore Dr. S.P. Singh Director, CESR and Member Secretary, BOG Centre of Energy Studies and Research, Indore

The Centre of Energy Studies and Research (CESR), an autonomous organization established by Devi Ahilya University, Indore and Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd., Bhopal in December, 1989 to serve energy related academic, research and development needs in the state of Madhya Pradesh. CESR registered as a society under the Society Registration act (1973), is academically a part of Devi Ahilya University, Indore under the faculty of Engineering Sciences and based at its Khandwa Road Campus of Devi Ahilya University, Indore.


6 Activities under the Biogas Development and Training Centre (BDTC)
Following activities has been carried out under the programme in M.P. and Chhatisgarh states S.No. Name of the Activity Number Duration 1. Construction cum Maintenance Training Programmes 08 15 days 2. Turn key Workers Training Programmes 03 3. Staff Training Programmes 02 2 days 4. User’s Training Programmes 69 1 day 5. Feed back survey of the constructed plants 1188 As assigned 6. Biogas plants constructed during the CCM training programmes 57 -

Activities under the Biogas Development and Training Centre (BDTC) (A sponsored programme of the ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, New Delhi) PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE VARIOUS TRAINING AND AWARENESS PROGRAMMES

Activities under the Biogas Development and Training Centre (BDTC) (A sponsored programme of the ministry of new and renewable energy, Govt. of India, New Delhi) PHOTOGRAPHS OF VARIOUS TRAINING AND AWARENESS PROGRAMMES

9 Activities under the Biogas Development and Training Centre (BDTC)
ACTIVITIES OTHER THAN ASSIGNED WORK Detailed Project Report for biogas based power generation plants in 10 goshalas in M.P. has been prepared and report submitted to the M.P. Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd., Bhopal S. No. Name of the Goshala Type of Biomass Capacity (CUM) Adrash Goshala, MC, Gwalior Cow Dung Pashu Prajanan Parikshetra, Bhaadbhada Cow Dung Pashu Prajanan Parikshetra, Aagar, Shajapur Cow Dung Pashu Prajanan Parikshetra, Minora, Tikamgarh Cow Dung Pashu Prajanan Parikshetra Implikheda Chindwada Cow Dung Central Jail, Ujjain Cow Dung Central Jail, Sagar Cow Dung Pashu Prajanan Prikshetra, Jabalpur Cow Dung NA Central Semen Station, Bhadhada, Bhopal Cow Dung Bull mother Form, Bhadbada, Bhopal Cow Dung

10 Activities under the Biogas Development and Training Centre (BDTC)
ACTIVITIES OTHER THAN ASSIGNED WORK 1. Detailed Project Report and proposal prepared for 25 cum Cow dung based plant for thermal use at village Guwar, District Narmada, Gujrat. 2. Detailed Project Report and proposal prepared for 25CUM Kitchen Waste based Biogas Plant and 25 cum Cow dung based plant for thermal use at Baramhkumari Ashram, Mount Abu, Rajashthan cum Cow dung based plant for thermal use at Baramhkumari Ashram, Mount Abu, Rajashthan has been constructed. 12 cum Kitchen waste based biogas plant is under construction at the same organization. 4. New design of Biogas plant is constructed and the same is under testing. 5. Physical verification of biogas plant installed by MPAGRO in the last 3 years in the 3 districts has been carried out. 6. Inspection of 10 KW power generation biogas plant at Sant Asharam Bapu Goshal, Sheopur M.P.

11 DPR preparation for Developing Rewa as Solar City
We have received the work order from Municipal Corporation Rewa (M.P.) to prepare Master Plan to Develop Rewa as Solar City. An agreement with RMC has been signed and the work has been started.

12 DPR preparation for Developing Bhopal as Solar City
We have received the work order from Municipal Corporation Bhopal to prepare Master Plan to Develop Bhopal as Solar City. An agreement with BMC has been signed and the work has been started.

13 Research and Development Activities
A R&D Project entitled “Design Development of Horizontal Biomass Gasifier” sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi is being carried out at the centre. Tenure of the project is 3 years. Progress Report of the project for 1st year ( ) has been submitted to the DST. A review paper on the subject has been communicated in the Journal “Renewable and Sustainable Energy”.

14 Research and Development Projects Going on
Ongoing projects Research and Development Projects Going on S. No Project Title Duration Sponsored Agency 1 Biogas Development Training Centre, Indore Under National Biogas Manure Management Programme Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Sources, Govt. of India, New Delhi 2 Regional Test center cum Technical Back up unit for Solar Thermal Devices 3 Holistic Approach to Utilize algae For fuel production University Grant Commission, Govt. of India, New Delhi 4 Design and Development of Horizontal Gasifier for Biomass materials DST, New Delhi 5. Water Conservation Studies on Old Monuments and Forts of M.P MPCST, Bhopal

15 Energy Educational and Training Programme
The MNRE had set-up an Energy Park (district level) at CESR. The Park is a unique facility for demonstration of different renewable energy gadgets. A number of students, visitors, faculties and general public visit the park and reply to their queries is given by the faculty and staff of the centre.

16 Celebration of World Wetland Day
World Wetland Day was Celebrated on Feb. 02, followed by experts lectures

17 A Visit of the Adnl. M. D. , M. P. Urja Vikas Nigam, Bhopal Shri M. C
A Visit of the Adnl. M.D., M.P. Urja Vikas Nigam, Bhopal Shri M.C.B.Chakraworthy, Adnl. M.D. and Shri B.K. Patel, Chief Engineer , MPUVN visited the centre on Feb. 04, Both the Officers were introduced with the activities being carried out and future plans were also discussed.

18 Testing Programme The Centre is providing Third Party Test facilities to many agencies for the following: Testing of Solar Thermal Devices like Solar Water Heater and Solar Cooker Fuels (coal and bio-fuels) Reflectivity and Emissivity Test of Paints and materials, Gasifiers, Biomass Cook Stoves and Testing of LED, Induction Lamps and Energy Efficient Lighting Systems.

19 PUBLICATIONS S.P. Singh, K.S. Jairaj, K. Srikant. Universal Drying Rate Constant of Seedless Grapes: A Review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; 16, pp 6295– (2012). Singh Aarti and S P Singh (2012) “Effect of micronutrient in waste minimization and degradation, International Journal of Pollution Abatement Technology. Vol. 1(1) PP:40-42 Trpathi Satyendra, Singh R N, Soni D K, Jagan P and Chatuvedi Annop (2012) Impact of Agricultural/ Biomass residues Burning on Atmospheric Particulate Concentration and Human Health - A Review” Our Earth Vol. 9 (3) PP8-14.

20 Faculty serving in National committees
National Expert for Solar City Development, Panel of Experts, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Member of R& D Committee (RDSPAC), MNRE, Govt. of India Member of Sub-Group under the working Group on New and Renewable Energy (NRE) for “Cooking Energy from Renewable” for the Twelfth Five Year Plan ( ). Member, on Conventional Energy Sources Sectional Committee MED-04 and Solar Thermal Energy Sub Committee ME04:1; Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi Member Governing Body of JAYPEE University of Engineering & Technology Nominated by His Excellency the Governor of M.P Member of MPCST Governing Body, Govt. of M.P Member, Board of Post Graduate Studies of Dep’t of Environmental Sciences, ,B.B.A University, Lucknow UGC Expert for UGC-SAP, SEES, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. Member, Constitution of state level registration committee for re-cycler /re-processors under hazardous waste (M.H. & TM) rules 2008 for the duration of three years (M.P. Pollution Control Board, M.P.) Life Member of Indian Water Works Association. Member, CEPRD, Indore. Reviewer of Journal of Hazardous Materials, ISSN: , imprint: ELSEVIER,U.K Member of Board of School Of Energy and Environmental Studies. Member Secretary, Board of Governors, Centre of Energy Studies and Research, DAVV, Indore

21 Other Activities The Centre is supporting its sister concern, School of Energy and Environmental Studies in their academic programmes i.e. M. Tech. (Energy Mgmt.) , M. Tech. (Distance Education), M. Phil, (Energy and Environmental Mgmt.) and Ph.D. Programme and other projects carried out at the School.

22 Policy document and green University Calendar Preparation
Green University Calendar has been prepared by the department under the coordination of Dr. S P Singh and same was inaugurated by Dr Karan Singh, VC BHU, Varanasi. Green University Policy has been prepared by the department under the coordination of Dr. S P Singh and same was inaugurated by Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam (Ex President of India).

23 Future Objectives The centre aims at main thrust on the following
Areas for fund generation: DPR preparation for Development of Solar Cities. Energy Audit and Energy Conservation Projects in Industries, Commercial and Residential Building sectors. Third Party Verification for various schemes implemented by the different agencies. DPR preparation for Biogas based Power Generation projects. Testing of Fuels, Water, Solar Energy Devices, Energy Efficient Lighting systems for the purpose of third party verification.

24 Limitations S.No. Position Status 1 Director 2 Dy. Director -I Vacant
Due to short funding support of the nigam, the Centre is facing hardship and couldn't fill vacant positions and hence restricts to achieve its set objectives. Present position of the staff is as under: S.No. Position Status 1 Director As per BOG’s decision, Head, School of Energy is also acting as Director of CESR 2 Dy. Director -I Vacant 3 Dy. Director - II 4 Research Assistants (4 Positions) Filled 2 Vacant 2


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