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Human Resources & Personnel Management

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1 Human Resources & Personnel Management
Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities Human Resources & Personnel Management Kate Isley & Yolanda Wray January 30, 2013

2 Presentation Overview
HR resources for leaders Using HR to meet your mission: Supervisory responsibilities Active performance management When to involve HR Distance supervision techniques From your desk chair to the field: handling real HR issues Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

3 HR Resources: Who we are and what we do
DOT&PF HR Service Center Management Services Recruitment Division of Personnel & Labor Relations Payroll Services Training & Development Classification EEO Program Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

4 HR Resources on the Internet
DOT&PF Intranet – HR Page DOT&PF New Employee Orientation DOT&PF New Supervisor Toolkit HR Resources for Supervisors Division of Personnel HR Forms Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

5 Supervisory Responsibilities
Enact the Department’s mission and core values Adhere to and enforce State and Department policies Manage performance Support employee development Hold staff accountable Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

6 Performance Management
Individualized relationship Ongoing communication Establish clear expectations Define how performance is measured Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

7 Performance Management: Why invest my time?
Builds trust Feedback becomes a part of the routine Ensure the mission is being met Assess and enhance the strengths of the team Your success depends on the success of the team Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

8 Performance Evaluations
Formal, written feedback State of Alaska Performance Evaluation Report form Rater’s Guide LTC Checklist Pay Increments Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

9 Performance Evaluations
Mandatory Performance Evaluations Interim Probationary Annual Completion of Probation Separation from State Service Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

10 Maximizing the Effectiveness of Evaluations
Engage employees in the process Employee Self-Evaluation Form Be specific Include SMART goals Use positive framing Describe how suggested improvements affect their success Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

11 Supervisory File Confidential Document performance; be specific
Supervisory File Guidelines on DOT&PF HR Intranet Site Employees have access to the file Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

12 Addressing Performance & Behavior Issues
Be accountable as a lead Timely and consistent feedback is key Be specific Clarify expectations If the behavior repeats/becomes a pattern, confer with management Document, document, document! Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

13 Progressive Discipline
Instruction versus discipline Essential elements of discipline Why progressive discipline? Intent is to correct behavior Corrective action starts at the lowest possible level Working with the Unions and HR DOT&PF Policy on Discipline Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

14 Probationary Period LTC employees: one year probationary period
GGU employees: six month or one year probationary period Consult the contract Observe employees’ ability to perform all the duties of the position Contact HR if issues arise during the probationary period Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

15 Accountability for Leaders
You are an agent of the State Supervisors must ensure inappropriate conduct is addressed Investigate and address concerns timely “Shop talk” cannot be permitted Use HR - call if you are unsure whether an issue exists or how issues should be addressed. Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

16 Distance Supervision Techniques
Establish trust is key Employees must know how and when they can get ahold of you Establish regular “check in” times Staff in remote camps must know expectations and the group’s mission Make it a priority to visit remote camps Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

17 Requirements for CDL Holders
Signs & Symptoms Training DOT&PF Policy for CDL holders Post accident testing Signs and Symptoms Checklist Worksafe/Beacon after hours line: Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

18 From your Desk Chair to the Field: Real HR situations
Joe has a long history of demonstrating poor performance. He consistently fails to meet work quantity and quality expectations; however, the lead has “given up” and does not address the concerns. 1. What questions will HR ask when you call? 2. What’s your action plan? Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

19 From your Desk Chair to the Field: Real HR situations
You are overseeing a crew working on a remote project. There’s noticeable tension between a male and female employee and you overhear the male comment that women really don’t belong in this line of work. She has not complained. What action is necessary? What questions would you ask when addressing this? Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

20 From your Desk Chair to the Field: Real HR situations
A probationary employee is five months into his probationary period and has demonstrated some attendance and performance concerns. What actions do you take? What must we ensure is addressed before non-retention is considered? Integrity ∙ Excellence ∙ Respect

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