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GradUATE COUNCIL December 6, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "GradUATE COUNCIL December 6, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 GradUATE COUNCIL December 6, 2017

2 Call to Order Welcome, Steven Lonergan, Chair Introductions
Seating of Substitute Council Members

3 Consent Agenda Minutes of November 15, 2017 meeting
Agenda for current meeting GFMC report

4 Announcements and Remarks
Graduate Council Chair, Steven Lonergan: No report Dean of Graduate College, William Graves: No report Assistant Dean of Graduate College, Craig Ogilvie Graduate College Office, Judy Strand

5 Old Business Chapter 9 Revisions
Meeting on December 13 with Mike Norton, Legal Counsel, 3150 Beardshear, 4:00 p.m. Chapter 9 revisions are available on the Graduate Council docket. Meeting on December 14 with Dr. Graves and graduate students and Graduate Council, Pearson Hall, 3 – 4 p.m.

6 New Business None

7 Committee and Subcommittee reports
Outside committee member committee: Gottesman, chair Double Degree Committee: Carlton Basmajian (chair) Report and proposal in Docket 1) The total credits for any double degree must be at least 48 credits, all of which 24 are non-overlapping (there must be at least 24 stand-alone credits for each major). 2) Total credits must equal at least 75% of the sum of credits from each both separate degrees. 3) This change would affect any new proposed double degrees. 4) For existing double degree programs that fall below this new threshold, programs administering those degrees would need to adjust the total credits required or justify why existing credit totals should be below the new threshold.

8 Committee and Subcommittee reports
Expired Course Committee : Dobbs (chair), Weston, Speer Report in Docket Ph.D. students may use any number of credits up to ten years old and up to 36 credits that are more than eleven years old at the discretion of their POS committee and the DOGE, so long as no more than twelve of those credits are more than sixteen years old. Credits more than sixteen years old must have been earned in the completion of a previous graduate degree, and the student must have professionally engaged in the discipline continuously since the prior graduate degree was earned. Coursework that does not meet these stipulations may not be used without documented extenuating circumstances and petition to the Graduate College.

9 Committee and Subcommittee reports
Admission Status committee (Marquart, chair) Discussion regarding removal of status (vote?) Discussion regarding operational issues and appeals (Strand) Graduate Faculty Membership Committee (Riney-Kerhrberg, chair) Update on process and discussion about POSC committee member composition

10 Other Items?

11 Meeting Schedule All meetings will be in 3150 Beardshear Hall from 4:15-5:30. Special Meeting: Chapter 9 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Wednesday, Jan 17 Wednesday, Feb 21 Wednesday, Mar 21 Wednesday, April 18

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