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Tuesday, February 2, 2016 8:10 – 8:40.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, February 2, 2016 8:10 – 8:40."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, February 2, 2016 8:10 – 8:40

2 Vocabulary/Grammar Lesson
8:40 – 8:55

3 Day 2 – Guided Practice Reindeer, also known as caribou, live in the Arctic. A reindeer’s coat has two layers of fur and keeps the animal warm. These animals travel in groups for safety and run really fast. The creatures eat grass and munch on leaves in summer. 5. Bears and wolves hunt reindeer. Tell the students that they are going to identify complete and simple subjects and predicates, as well as compound subjects and predicates. Read the first sentence aloud and ask: Q- What is the complete subject of the sentence? (Reindeer, also known as caribou) What is the simple subject of the sentence? (Reindeer) Q- What is the complete predicate? (live in the Arctic) What is the simple predicate? (live) Invite a volunteer to underline the complete subject and circle the simple subject or subjects. Then ask the student to draw two lines under the complete predicate and circle the verb or verbs. Repeat the process for sentences 2-5. Have the students work in pairs to write a paragraph, using complete sentences. Ask them to include at least one sentence with a compound subject and one with a compound predicate. *If the students have difficulty thinking of a topic to write about, suggest that they write about a favorite animal.

4 Day 2 – Paired Partners Refer to the OneDrive to access student copies of the homework page.

5 Writing Lesson Being a Writer
8:55 – 9:25

6 Exploring Nonfiction WEEk 2 Day 2

7 Getting Ready to Write Bring your writing journal, pencil and gather with your partner facing me. We have been developing curiosity about nonfiction topics. Remember, it is important for nonfiction writers to be curious about many things. Learning a little bit about a topic can often lead to greater curiosity about it.

8 Classroom Discussion What topics are you curious about now that you weren’t very curious about before? What has helped you become curious? Continue to develop your curiosity as you explore and read about topics that interest you. I will read from another book about the natural world today, and I want you to listen for things they are curious about.

9 Global Warming – glossary
Let’s look at Global Warming, noting the author’s name and title. Yesterday we heard parts of Extreme Earth Records by the same author yesterday. We’ll read pages 5-15

10 Classroom Discussion: “Nature Topics We Can Write About” Chart
Add ideas to: “Nature Topics We Can Write About” Chart What other topics about nature might you want to learn more about?

11 Browsing Time: Read Nonfiction Texts again for about minutes. What did you find out from reading today, and what are you curious about?

12 Restroom Break 9:25 – 9:30

13 Independent Writing 9:30 – 9:50

14 Writing Time Write one or two interesting things you found out about a topic today. Write one or two things you are curious about. Add any new topics that interest you in your writing ideas section. BUT… remember to write, write, write during this time!

15 Reading Lesson 9:50 – 10:55

16 Day 2 In today’s lesson, you will:
Read and discuss an expository nonfiction article Analyze how information in the article is organized Explore how articles can inform by highlighting pros and cons Read independently for up to 30 minutes Include everyone in and contribute to the group work

17 Review “Copycats” Yesterday you heard and discussed the article “Copycats: Why Clone?” What did you find out about cloning from the article? Have the students bring their Student Response Books and pencils and gather in groups of four. Have a few volunteers share what they remember.

18 Text Structure (Organizing)
Authors organize articles and other kinds of expository nonfiction texts very deliberately to inform their readers in a particular way.

19 Introduce Highlighting Pros and Cons
One way writers inform readers is by highlighting the pros and cons of an issue. Pros and cons are arguments for and against something. Highlighting pros and cons helps readers consider both sides to deepen their understanding of an issue.

20 Student Response Book – Page 46
Have the students turn to Student Response Book pages 46-47, “Copycats: Why Clone?” and explain that they will read the article silently to themselves and then use “Heads Together” to talk about what they noticed. Ask them to consider the questions as they read. What are some ways that cloning might help people? What are some ways that cloning might be dangerous?


22 Share Your Thinking What did you notice about ways cloning might help people? Heads together. What did you notice about ways cloning might be dangerous? Heads together.

23 Class Discussion According to the article, what are the pros of cloning? How might cloning help people? What information in the article makes you think that? According to the article, what are the cons of cloning? What are some problems with cloning? Are you more persuaded by the arguments for or against cloning? Explain your thinking. Facilitate a class discussion about the pros and cons of the article by asking the questions.

24 “Reading Comprehension Strategies” Chart
Noticing how expository nonfiction texts are written and organized is an important comprehension strategy. You will be exploring this strategy in the coming weeks. Let’s add this strategy to our chart. Reading Comprehension Strategies -Using text features -Questioning -Recognizing story elements -Making inferences -Visualizing -analyzing how texts are organized

25 Reflect on Working in Groups
How did your group do with making sure everyone was included in the conversation? If not everyone was included, what can you do next time to make sure everyone is included? How did you contribute to the group conversation during “Heads Together”? Share any observations you made about how the students worked together. Ask and briefly discuss the questions.

26 Individualized Daily Reading
You will be reading expository nonfiction during IDR. Look at the chart and remember using text features as a strategy. Think about what text features you notice and how they helped you learn. At the end of IDR, I will ask you to share what you noticed with the class. Have the students read for 30 minutes. Confer with individual students.

27 Share Your Reading Share the title and author’s name.
What is the text about? What text features did you notice? What did the text features help you learn? Did anyone read an expository text that had few or no features? If so, how can you tell it is an expository text? Have a few volunteers share with the class.

28 Technology Extension You can read and discuss other articles about cloning. Find articles by using the keywords such as “cloning for kids.” Groups of four choose a position for or against. Create a presentation to debate your choice.

29 Return to Homeroom Classes!

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