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The Townshend Acts and The Boston Massacre

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1 The Townshend Acts and The Boston Massacre
By Samantha, Nick , Lauren Del. ,Ann, and Noah

2 Why The British Passed The Townshend Acts
Parliament passed a series of Acts to generate modest revenues for the crown. The income would help pay the cost of defending Colonies and pay the salaries of Royal Governors and judges in the Colonies.

3 The Items Taxed In The Townshend Acts
Paint Lead Paper Tea Glass

4 Why The British Sent Soldiers To Boston
To make sure that the people in Boston pay their taxes, to pay for the soldiers to protect them, and for tea, glass, stamps, oil, and lead.

5 Boston Massacre A clash between the crowds and soldiers of 60 people was inevitable. After several days of tense confrontations. , the situation reached flashpoint on the evening of Monday, March 5, 1770. In a square near The Custom House a mob taunted and threw snow balls at soldiers on duty.

6 Boston Massacre A town bell rang bringing more colonist to the scene. A guard called for help and Captain Robert Preston arrived with more soldiers. One soldier was knocked down, and accidently shot into the active crowd. Innocent colonist were shot including Crispus Attucks, the African American mob leader, perhaps a run away slave.

7 Definition Of Massacre
Massacre- A killing of people who can’t defend themselves. *The soldiers had weapons and the colonists didn’t!

8 How the Colonists Felt After The Boston Massacre
The news spread throughout the Colonies like shockwaves. Soon Paul Revere’s engraving of the event circulated through the land, presenting to Patriots a clear picture of innocent victims of the British tyranny. They felt really bad and they wanted revenge.


10 Thank You Thank you for watching our slide show!

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