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WFD and Agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: "WFD and Agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 WFD and Agriculture

2 The work is going on …….. First steering group meeting : 25th April 2005 UK conference on water and agriculture (twinned with the second steering group meeting) : 20-21st Sep

3 WORK PROGRAMME 2005 Assessing the gap extent between the agricultural activities and the WFD: use of article 5 reports, integration of EEA &JRC projects about nutrients source apportionments in EU Focusing with the preparation of RD programmes: recommendations to help MS in using RD programmes to implement the WFD. Draft documents to be ready for the UK conference in September and to be approved in November by the Water Directors.

4 A Window of opportunity for RD?
04/2005 SSG meeting 09/2005 UK conference 10/2005 RD paper 06/2005 RDR+EU SG MS: NAT.STRATEGY + RD PROGRAMMES 01/2005 01/2007 Beginning of new RD programmes

5 Documents for RDP preparation : main heads of chapter
Setting the scene : what is the extent of the problem, how can RDP can help, call for anticipation Keys for implementing : assessment of existing measures (if any available…), success stories, key lessons Conclusions and outlooks : communication, further needs MS contribution is essential to provide data and case studies; a call for papers and a questionnaire was sent (20 replies)

6 BUT The SSG agreed that if RD programmes can be very useful they won’t be the “miracle tool” to implement the WFD Needs for additional policy measures? That last question will feed 2006 work programme

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