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Lisa Winberg, Administrator

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1 Lisa Winberg, Administrator
ELPAC Updates for RCAN August 17, 2018 Lisa Winberg, Administrator AACI

2 Local Scoring Tool (LST)

3 Two options for summer scoring
Upload preliminary enrollment data to CALPADS (will automatically populate LST and allows entering of scores) Manually calculate scores using the conversion tables in TOMS Either of these options allows a district to make program determinations for students before the school year begins.

4 Links for LST LST Quick Start Guide TOMS Help Local Scoring Tool
Preliminary Score Sheet/Instructions Gr 1 Conversion Table

5 Initial Parent Notification Letter
ELPAC Local Scoring Tool (LST) Initial Parent Notification Letter 21:50 to 28:36 Downloadable data file available

6 Annual Parent Notification Letter
AB 81 requires districts to notify parents when their child is a “Long Term English Learner” (LTEL) or is “At Risk of Becoming a Long Term English Learner” A letter from CDE and access to a data file identifying students in both categories was sent to districts in April 2018 Ensure this data has been uploaded so that it is accessible for export to the Annual Parent Notification Letter Contact Marc Riera at for assistance with accessing the LTEL data file

7 Student Score Report (SSR)

8 Initial ELPAC Student Score Report
State Board of Education, Information Memoranda, June 2018 Initial ELPAC SSR Can be printed individually or for a group

9 Important SBE Dates

10 RCOE Regional Trainings
ELPAC Academy Year 2 Trainer of Trainers November 1, 2018 December 10, 2018 Summative ELPAC Administration and Scoring Training (AST) January 10, 2019 January 22, 2019

11 Questions? Naomi Mangalindan-Dimacali Administrator
Assessment, Accountability and Continuous Improvement Lisa Winberg

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