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Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

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2 Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.

3 OVERVIEW Elettra in-kind contributions for the accelerator:
AIK2.1 Magnets for ESS linac AIK7.4 Beam Diagnostics- Wire Acquisition System for the ESS linac AIK8.5 Spoke RF Power Station AIK17.2 Power Converters for Magnets to the ESS linac tbd Installations AIK2.1, AIK7.4, AIK8.5, AIK17.2 endorsed at IKRC 10 in October 2016.

4 REVIEWS Reviews in 2016 April12-13 PDR Spoke cavity RF power stations
May 4 CDR Q5, Q6, Q7 magnets C5, C6 magnets May 17 C5, C6 power converters May 18 PDR-1 Q5, Q6, Q7 power converters June 28 Diagnostics - SEM system Dec. 12 Diagnostics - Scintillator system Next reviews in 2017: PDR-2 Q5, Q6,Q7 power converters CDR D1, Q8, C8 magnets PDR D1, Q8, C8 magnets power converters CDR wire scanners Remaining CDRs to be done with manufacturers

Scope: build twenty-six pulsed 400 MHz RF power stations for the spoke cavities C. Pasotti Based on combination of two 200 kW tetrodes. Each RFPS unit consists of: Two equivalent transmitters with amplification chain composed by solid state preamplifier and tetrode amplifier. One Modulator to supply both tetrodes. Construction will be outsourced to industry under Elettra supervision.

Baseline: tetrode TH 595 with input circuit TH 18595A. Designed for 200 kW pulsed operation at the ESS RF pulse requirements. In operation at FREIA test stand. Technical challenges RoE with the chosen tetrode in other facilities, as FREIA, should allow to mitigate risk in the design. AC line flicker and harmonic content due to the pulse operation should be taken into account in the modulator design. First RFPS unit will be extensively tested to fully evaluate compliance to requirements and implement modifications if necessary. C. Pasotti OUTLOOK Working with ESS RF group to optimise and freeze technical specifications in terms of performance, costs and schedule. Writing technical specifications for tender. Final version of document by end February 2017.

7 MAGNETS Scope: design and build magnets installed in different parts of the ESS linac Activities concentrated on LWU magnets (Q5, Q6, Q7 and C5, C6). Design for quadrupoles updated following switch to dc magnets D. Castronovo Q6 Q7 C5 C6 Q5

8 MAGNETS LWU quadrupole magnet prototype under construction at CERN
Courtesy of D. Lopez, CERN OUTLOOK Prototype of quadrupole magnets to be tested at CERN by mid February. LWU magnets technical documentation update reviewed. LWU magnets technical specifications for tender available.

9 POWER CONVERTERS Scope: design and build power converters for the magnets of the ESS linac Bipolars Type Description Operating mode Q.ty PCC5 Power converters for the “C5” dual- plane correctors 4Q, air cooled 26 PCC6 Power converters for the “C6” dual- plane correctors 110 PCC8 Power converter for the “C8” dual- plane correctors 8 R. Visintini STATUS Correctors power converters based on compact Elettra design approved in CDR. Finalization of design for industrial production (Built-to-Print Call for Tender) in progress, according to ESS requirements. 9

10 POWER CONVERTERS Type Description Operating mode Q.ty Note PCQ5 Power converters for the “Q5” quadrupoles DC, water cooled 26 Magnet defined PCQ6 Power converters for the “Q6” quadrupoles 95 PCQ7 Power converters for the “Q7” quadrupoles 12 PCD1 Power converters for the “D1” dipoles 1 Magnet not yet defined PCQ8 Power converters for the “Q8” quadrupoles 6 PCC8 Power converter for the “C8” dual-plane correctors 4Q, air cooled 8 Magnet not yet defined, design will be compatible with other corrector PC R. Visintini STATUS In June 2016 ESS decided to pass from “Pulsed” to “DC” (PCQ5, PCQ6, PCQ7). Completed the re-definition of PS following the changes in the Q5, Q6, Q7 magnets. Preliminary recognition of potentially available PC on market. Technical documentation for Call for Tender (subject to PDR-2) almost ready. PDR-2 for DC quadrupoles power converters expected soon.

11 Scope: Wire scanner (WS) acquisition system design
BEAM DIAGNOSTICS Scope: Wire scanner (WS) acquisition system design Analog Front End Prototype Design and Fabrication Conditions: 50uSec Pulse; 0.5uA GAIN =HI; Cable = 1m RG174 M Ferianis, R. De Monte, S. Cleva, S. Grulja Optical Front End Prototype Design and Fabrication

WS acquisition system simulator M Ferianis, R. De Monte, S. Cleva, S. Grulja OUTLOOK After the preliminary design phase, detailed design is in progress Testing of the prototype, before CDR, will be carried out in two main steps: in house at E-ST and at a partner lab to have access at signals from wires.

13 SUMMARY TA endorsed by IKRC (“Cover Pages”).
Working to complete remaining PDRs and CDRs, freeze technical specification and have technical documentation ready for when big procurement can start. Working to clear administrative/legal aspects that prevent signing of IKAs and Schedules. These actions involve as well INFN (Representing Entity for Italy in European Spallation Source ERIC) and ESS and the resolution is a prerequisite for the start of tendering phase.


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